Chapter 9

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Jayden's POV

I wen't to the kitchen to make breakfast .Today was the day I would rescue my girl and kill that bastard ..but something  made me stop in my tracks .

I can smell her she is outside...and I smelled the scent of that ASSHOLE! 

but.. why would he bring her back?..

 I ran to the door and flung it open .He was kissing my mate on the cheek.

KILL HIM. My demon said and  I nodded with him eagerly.

I pushed her  to the side gently and flung Maximus on the nearby tree by the neck so hard that I cracked it making me smile .

DONT EVER TOUCH ,KISS, OR EVEN THINK OF HER ! SHE'S MINE!I growled as he laughed struggling to breathe .

" Is that suppose to scare me? You seriously need some help man. You mad cuz I found my girl on the middle of the woods...naked and afraid. You hardly worked enough to get her to warm up to you... You see she is afraid of you.. all those attempts to get her to like you are weak compared to mine. I will get her to be with me. Just you wait. " The little fucker scoffed spitting on my damn face.

This just infuriated my demon more. He's just itching to rip his throat out and feast on his disgusting  blood. 

"Please let me out so I can show him to NEVER mess with what's mine ever again"  he growled inside me.

" Get out and don't ever set foot on my territory again or I will finish what you have started" I quickly take of my claws to scratch the son of a bitch neck and pushed him off me when I was done.

Max takes a deep breathe and proceed to chuckle at my behavior and  run off back with his vampire speed back where he and Paris came. 

I release the breath I was holding as I forgot that Paris was watching  the whole altercation I had a while ago with that bastard.

" PARIS !!" I yelled whipping around to see she was running away from me...again.


I thought as I ran after her with my vampire speed.


 I had to run. I can't just let some other dude get to me calling me his. I can't with this whole situation period. 

" PARIS!!" I heard  Jayden shout at me. I guess he noticed I ran away from him again.

" Stop please just leave me alone ! You don't need me. You can't have me!" I yelled feeling my  legs giving out on me and collapsing on the floor. 

Jayden gets a hold of me before I could hit the ground.

" Please.. Doll don't say such things to me... I ...I know that its hard to adjust but please..don't run away from me.. don't leave me I need you" He said looking into my eyes. 

He was choking on his words and his crystal blue eyes held sorrow and hurt. They were glistening with what appear that he might shed a few tears soon. 

" Jayden..p..please just let me go..I'm..I'm useless and broken" I stuttered on my words. I don't want to get hurt again.. 

" I will never let you go my love.. just ..please..give me a chance"  He croaked  out tears now streaming his beautiful face. 

He was now cradling me , rocking back and worth whilst holding me tight. His tears staining the giant shirt I was currently wearing ..I guess this shirt is Max's ..I didn't notice before.

I stood there. Frozen in place. I mean what can I do ..I barely got the chance to know him and he's here pouring his heart out to me.

I felt a chill go down my spine. My gut was curling with the sudden guilt I felt on the pit of my stomach. 

Its my fault he's feeling this way.. I shouldn't have run away. 

I didn't notice I was crying too as I felt the salty liquid reach my lips. 

" I'm sorry Jayden...I'm sorry I hurt you..I won't run away again..just promise me one thing" I say looking up at his  blood shed eyes.

He sniffles and nods " Yes my Doll?" he questions.

I hesitate a bit and bite my lip , lowering my gaze. He lifts my chin up and gives me an encouraging  smile. 

" Please don't let me down" 

" Never "

My fate has been sealed.

" Why don't we go back home and I will get you out of his disgusting clothes ,maybe run you a nice bubble bath and then have breakfast?" He asked me eyeing my garments with distaste. 

I giggle and nodded at the idea. Hoping that maybe we can have a new start to this whole "Soulmate" thing.

" Yeah..That be great"


Thanks for reading this chapter.. lots of editing going on so bare with me. DONT FORGET TO LIKE COMMENT AND SHARE !!

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