Chapter Five

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     Alexa sat to the right of me and Scott to my left, both talking to other people while dinner commenced. Ryan was talking to Div about old times, and Stiles chatted with Newt. Kat talked to both Katie and Alexa. I sat there, quietly eating my curry, and taking sips of water every so often. "You don't seem yourself." Scott said.
     I looked at him. "Well, today's been weird and confusing. Just tired."
     "Yeah, true. A lot did happen." Silence again. I didn't want to talk right then. I wanted to think things through. Scott spoke up again. "Liam, what's wrong?"
     "Like I said, I'm tired-"
     "That's not it."
     I took a bite of curry. "Scott, I keep thinking about Catherine."
     "And not Sarah?" Her name made me flinch.
     "She's in my head right now. Literally." Sarah. Also known as the Forgotten Devil, and the other one in my head, known as the Fallen Devil, once power to Lucifer. He had given it to me because I almost died and felt sorry for me.

     When dinner was over, I helped with washing the dishes with Alexa while everyone else either hung out or went to their rooms. I was tired, and not thinking, thankfully. Alexa followed me up to my room, and the others went to their rooms, except for Div who went with Stiles.
     "Liam, can I ask you something?" Alexa asked when we entered my dark room. I flipped on the lights, and the room illuminated with whitish light.
     "Sure thing, Alexa." I took off my shirt, throwing it near my closet, showing my muscles and six-pack. Not bragging, just fyi. "What do you need?"
     I turned to face her, and her cheeks were red. "Where do I sleep?"
     I thought that was kind of a stupid question. "You get the bed, I get the floor, which thankfully has carpet."
     "A-Alright. Do you mind?" I knew what she meant, and turned around. "So, what actually happened that made you become a devil?" She asked, her voice muffled and the sound of clothes being taken off.
     "Newt, who is known as the Grim Reaper, killed me. From here," I pointed at my left kidney area, "to here." I made a diagonal line to my right shoulder. "Scott reincarnated me."
     "Well, I shouldn't be surprised, but you managed to cheat death. Especially cheating it from the Reaper himself."
     "Yeah, I'm kind of shocked that I survived that. If Scott wasn't there, or didn't even come, I'd be dead."
     "Luckily he was there in time."
     There was silence for at least two minutes total, until I broke it. "Can I turn around, please?"
     "Yes." I turned, and kind of had a heart attack. "What's wrong?"
     What's wrong? She wore white and blue bra and panties, and she was thin, but a very hot kind of thin. "Nothing, it's just-" I didn't know how to react to that. "Showing a lot of skin there."
     "Is that a problem?"
     "Just that I've only seen over twenty women wearing only aprons and nothing else. So no, it isn't a problem."
     "Then why did you look shocked?"
     "Because. . .uh. . ."
     "You find me attractive, don't you?"
I coughed. "Very."
     "Well, we did just meet, but I find you handsome, but do not like you in that way."
     "Yeah, same. You're my friend, and I don't think of you anymore than that."
     "Shall we get some rest?"
     "Let's. Totally looking forward to sleeping on the floor."
     "Good." She didn't understand that what I had just said was sarcasm, did she? "Goodnight."
     She was sudden that I had to process things. "Okay, goodnight." I walked over and turned off the lights. Then when I went to lay down, I realized I didn't have a pillow. "I don't have a pillow." I said throughout the darkness.
     "You'll be fine."
     And that's how I slept. Using my arm as a pillow. Thanks, Alexa. Also doesn't understand that the devil she's roommates with needs a goddamn pillow.

     The nightmare I had was strange. It felt real, like when I was in the boiler room, but I knew this was a dream.
     I stood in a white room, like where they kept the psychos in an insane asylum. I looked at my hands, and they were grey, veins buldging, and looked like I was old, all wrinkly and tight around my bones.
     I was weak, and I knew that I was being tortured. But by who? I didn't control what I did in the dream, but I could see. "What do you want?" My voice was the same, but raspy, like I hadn't drunk water in a while.
     A voice came into my head. "Your devil powers, they are now mine."
     "No," I croaked, "don't you dare-" an electric shock went through my body, and I fell to the padded floor. 
"Fuck you." I coughed. "I will kill you, just like I did with Asanté."
     "You wish. I'm more powerful than him." Then he appeared in front of me. "Liam the Demon Killer." He pushed me onto my back. "So weak and defenseless without his powers."
     "Give them back and I'll show you how powerful I can be, dumbfuck."
     "Strong words for a feeble boy."
     "Your people. . .tortured me for five months. I wasn't feeble before that."
     "We're angels." The man raised his fist. "We don't like devils who disobey us." And with that, he landed the blow, and I woke up.

     "That's the future." Alexa said.
     I looked at her, and saw her hand on my forehead. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked.
     "Well, I heard you mumbling in your sleep, so I decided to watch your dream."
     "That's fucked up."
     "I do not know what you mean by that."
     "Meaning I find it disturbing that you watched my dream. You don't know if it could've been inappropriate." I pushed her hand away and got up, looking for my shirt.
     I saw that Alexa was wearing it, but not any pants. Thankfully I still had those on. "Why are you wearing my shirt?"
     "I got cold."
     "There's blankets on my bed!"
     "Those didn't help."
     I rubbed my eyes. "You can wear it if you want, Alexa. It doesn't matter to me right now."
     "Thank you." She pressed it to her chest. "It's soft."
     "That's Hollister for you." I smiled, but she just looked at me with a confused look on her face.
     Was she faking this, or was heaven sheltering her from 21st century bullshit?


     This chapter was kind of confusing in my part, but hopefully not to confusing. That nightmare may possibly come true. (Hint here, I'm giving you all something to look forward to). Next chapter will be mainly about school and all that. Goodnight, people!

School of The Supernatural Book Two: Spark of War #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now