Chapter One

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     I tried to calm down, adrenaline rushing through my veins as Alexa the archangel strode over to us, almost exaggerating her hip movement. Holy shit, she was hot. Long dark brown hair, tan skin, with sea blue eyes. Thin, nice cup size, along with her hips. I'm a pervert, I can say all that. "Well, hello again, Scott." She said with an Italian accent. She glanced over to me, and made a dramatic gasp, placing her hand over her mouth. "And the famous Fallen Devil. Oh, lord above, everyone in heaven is chatting away about you, how you defeated-"

     I got annoyed. "Stop talking about that. And cut the dramatic shit, por favor, it's getting on my nerves."
Alexa looked at me in utmost surprise, then grinned wickedly at me. Hot, and has a sexual side. Great. "Someone's likes to boss others around."
     I got up from my plastic lunch table seat, and got up to her face. She was about the same height as me, maybe a centimeter shorter, but that didn't matter right then. "Well, maybe your angel buddies up there didn't realize that fucking Asanté killed my little sister."
     "Well, I am deeply sorry to hear that." She didn't sound sorry. I could tell Alexa was trying to get me pissed off, and oh, boy. It was working. She put her hands on her hips, and planted a kiss on my cheek, which immediately shocked me. Her lips were warm, and soft, but why kiss me on the cheek? "Even though it's a sin to consider a devil, let alone the one and only Fallen Devil something more than a friend, I'm sure God will forgive me."
     Oh, goodie. Hardcore Christian much? "But, I am no Christian."
Wait what? "You're the archangel, Alexa." Mr. Wright said. "Why are you not a Christian?"

     "Because even though I am the archangel, I can't just become a Christian. Before, I was an atheist." She exclaimed. That phrase right there caught me by surprise. "And also Liam, I'm no enemy of your's. The reason my aura sets you all off is because I am an angel, and you are a devil."
     "Good to know. Is there some way you could, like, I don't know, lower it?" Newt asked. "I'm starting to feel it too, and it's giving me a headache."
     "You'll have to get used to it, Reaper." Alexander snapped. "Besides, I'm not here for you." Ouch. "I'm here for Scott and Liam."
     "Um. . .why us?" Scott asked.
     "God requests your presence in heaven, although it's forbidden for a devil to even go near it."
     "Again, why us?"
     "Because you both have two of the strongest powers in your minds. The Fallen Devil, and the Descendant of Satan."
     I looked at Scott, who gave me a confused look. Descendant of Satan? That's a new one. "What about my new one?" I asked, and Alexa gave me a cold look, which sent shivers down my spine. "I got a new one, thanks to Sarah. The Forgotten Devil power."
     "Now that is rare. Two powers in one low-ranking devil."
     "I hate it when people call me that, lady." I growled. "I'm no low-ranking devil."
     "Show me your wings, then."

   "Alright." I extended my four wings, and her grin immediately vanished. Boom. "Four wings, no low-ranking devil."
     "Are you devil royalty?"
     "What? No, I'm not. I just got pissed that Catherine died and then got an extra set of wings."
     "You make it sound so easy that anyone could do it without stress."
     I frowned at her, folding my wings back, and they disappeared. "Listen, archangel." I pointed at her. "You may be fucking hot. Really, not lying. But I'm keeping an eye on you. Angels and devils don't mix well."
     "Well, thank you for the compliment, I am deeply flattered. And yes, we do not go well together, so do as you wish."
     "Thank you-"
     "But there is one more thing." She looked at Stiles, and he kind of flinched. "You, human boy."
     "What?" He asked, hesitantly.
     "There is something in this school that is more powerful than your friends here. Find it."
     "Wait, hold on!" Newt got up. "What do you mean, more powerful than us?!"
     Alexa sighed. "I mean, your human friend needs to allow it to become a power, and be able to use it."
     Everyone was silent, staring at the archangel. "You've got to be shitting me shitless, Alexa." Kat said sharply, without a bit of sympathy in her words. "Stiles is human, not a devil. He can't control a power, let alone get one to be his power."
     "Hey!" Stiles sounded offended. "I'm sitting right here! You all don't need to talk about me and not add me on this conversation!"
     Kat rolled her eyes, but Alexa didn't seem to care. "The power is called Nogitsune." That word made Stiles freak out and stand up, taking a shaky step back.
     "What?" I looked at Alexa, then at Stiles, who's back was to the wall, his eyes wide. "What's this Nogitsune?"
     "The Nogitsune is a spirit who feeds off pain, chaos and strife." Alexa exclaimed. "Has Stiles encountered it before, Scott?"
     "I don't know." Scott looked worried. "Nothing ever happened to him or anything bad while I've known him."
     "I've had nightmares about him before." Stiles interrupted. "But I don't think he's going to be wrapped in gauze."
     "The story is of a man who was burned alive from a Molotov cocktail during a riot in World War II." Stiles told us. "He was presumed dead until someone raised him to be a dark spirit, known as the Nogitsune. The spirit looks like a teen now, kind of like me." Stiles had brown hair, which was kind of messed up in the front. Brown eyes, and always wore a red hoodie. "But with yellow eyes, and dark bags under his eyes."
     "Thanks for the advice, amigo." I said.
     Alexa nodded. "What might his name be?"
     "Possibly something like Samael or something. I think that's defined as Venom of God."
     "Great," Newt said sarcastically, "the bugger's name is Samael. Is that even a name?"
     Alexa nodded. "Yes. The name itself is Hebrew, but I do not know why a Japanese Fox spirit would have such a name. Strange."
     "Yeah, strange is all of this. The Nogitsune is named Samael? Does he speak japanese?"
     "I can speak some japanese." Div said. She hadn't said anything for the whole conversation, and I jumped when she spoke. "Watashi na sutairuzu ni koi o motte imasu."
     I immediately knew what she said, and whirled around. Apparently Stiles knew what she had said as well, and his face was red. "What did you just say?" I asked her, looking from her to Stiles.
     "Um. . ." She sounded sheepish. "I said, I have a crush on Stiles. . ."
     Everyone went silent. One of those, holy fucking shit awkward as hell kind of silences. "Well, did shit go sideways or what?" Newt asked, cutting off the silence.
     "You said it, dude." I replied. "Shit has just went sideways."


     This'll be the last chapter I do because I'm gonna be on a plane for a while. But Stiv. Shit. I'm gonna get a lot of hell probably from that. But I don't care currently. Not trying to sound like some asshole or anything. Next chapter there's a possibility that we may see Samael. Stay tuned, and have a good day!

School of The Supernatural Book Two: Spark of War #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now