Chapter Nine

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     She just stood there, and we stayed put, watching her laugh, her eyes full of hate, her face red and tears rolling off her chin. "Oh my god. . ." Ryan muttered. "What the hell has Gabriel done to her?"
     "Absolutely nothing." I said coldly. "She's freaking out from massive amounts of pain and stress."
     "What's that called?" Stiles asked.
     "I don't know."
     Alexa then burst into light, and we all shielded her eyes, me especially she didn't just die, even though she was our enemy. When the light faded, she was on her knees, her eyes red and hair bleach white. "It's known as Marie Antoinette Syndrome." Ryan said. "It's caused when a person is put through severe stress and pain."
     "Does that include the red eyes?!" Newt snapped, angrily.
     "Red eyes? No, just the hair. Those red eyes. . .um. . ."
     "Are what?!"
     "That's not supposed to happen."
     I heard Alexa murmuring something, and I shushed them. "Die. Die. Die." Alexa murmured. "Die." With every repeat she got louder and louder. "DIE! DIE! DIE!"
     "What the hell?!" I looked at her, dismay and total shock filled my mind and emotions. "Guys, run!"
     "No need to tell me twice!" Stiles took a step and ran in the other direction, the rest of us following closely behind. Alexa had gotten up and was running at us, full speed with her rapier pointed like a lance.
     "Keep going!" I whirled and stopped, facing the charging Alexa.
     "What are you doing?!" Scott yelled.
     "Giving you all time! This isn't about me, and it never will!"
     "LIAM!" He turned, but Ryan grabbed him and carried him down the hall. "Get off me! I need to get him out of there!"
     "He knows what he's doing, Scott!" Ryan snapped. "Now shut up and focus on the upcoming fight!"
     I ignored the rest, and spread my legs and arms, and Alexa's rapier went through my stomach, my blood hitting the side of her face.

     I coughed up blood onto the sword that was in my body, and looked at Alexa, her face full of insanity. "Stop this. . ." I croaked. "This isn't you."
     She pushed the blade deeper, and I felt like falling to the floor, wanting to die. But I kept moving, slowly pushing up the blade, until I reached the hilt, where I looked Alexa in the eyes.
     "How are you not dead?" She asked, anger in her voice. "You can't be alive from that-" I embraced her, wrapping tightly around her as if she was my life force. "What?!"
     "Stop, Alexa. . ." I groaned. "Come back. . .to. . .us. . ."
     Her eyes went back to normal, and she shoved me away, her hands on my shoulders. "Liam. . .?"
     The rapier disappeared, and I fell to the floor, but Alexa had put my head on her chest. "No, no, no, no. What have I done? Liam?"
     "This feels like deja vu, doesn't it?" I asked no one in particular. "Sarah. . ."
     "Liam, stay with me!" She shouted, then I heard distant shouts of angels coming our way. "What do I do?!"
     "I'll be fine."
     "Shut up!" She hugged me tightly, and I couldn't really breathe thanks to her breasts suffocating me. Then Alexa pulled me away, and put her lips to mine. Wasn't a romantic kiss, no. Too hurried, and plus Gabriel had kissed her too, so I wasn't pleased with it, but I felt the pain go away, my would healing, and strength enter my blood.
     I gasped, pushing her off me and getting up, my fists balled and teeth clenched. "What the hell did you just do?!"
     "I healed you." She then began to cough, and her eyes went from normal and beautiful, to red and terrifying over and over. "I have a-a good and a b-b-bad side. Run!" The angels were almost upon us, and I looked down at her, sad.
     "Goodbye for now!" I whipped around and ran towards the sophomore hallway, taking a right and a left until I reached the auditorium, where on the stage students were bloody, wrapped in gauze, some screaming and howling in pain, and others motionless.
     Scott and the others were seated, looking as if they were in despair. My wings extended, and the symbols showed of the Fallen Devil. I needed his power for now. Veins turned black, skin paled, eyes turned crimson. I flew in the air and landed silently next to my friends.
     Apparently they didn't notice me, so I clapped my hands, and they all jumped and glared in my direction, but the looks immediately vanished and turned to happy expressions. "Holy crap, Liam!" Scott got up, giving me a bear hug. "What the hell happened?"
     "I bought us some time." I smiled, and the others were happy to see me, even Kat, who possibly despised me with all her might.
     I remember the pain, but Alexa kissed me. I thought. But also the fuckface Gabriel had kissed her too. Jesus christ, I feel like I'm gonna be sick.
     I literally felt like throwing up. Hopefully she washed her face off afterwards.
     "The angels are breaking in!" A student shouted from the auditorium doors. "Help me barricade it before-" The doors exploded, and he was sent flying into the seats, possibly killing him.
     "Follow." My voice got deeper from the Fallen Devil's power. Lunging into the air, I sped towards the smoke and charged the angels head on with my sword ready.
     The others came and helped kicked ass, defending the new hole in the wall, blue blood flying and guts spilling. This is glorious. Fallen laughed in my mind.
     "Let's do this!" Stiles blasted a dozen angels into oblivion from a dark force, and did this mixed martial arts shit that surprised me.
     "Hey, Liam!" Scott shouted through the chaos.
     "What?" I shouted back.
     "My last name and the name of our household is Ignis!"
     Isn't that latin for fire? Didn't care, but nice name. "Nice!" I slashed an angel's chest open, and ripped out his rib cage. Brutal, I know, but it was really easy to do, so what the hell? No harm in doing so to me.
     Key words there: 'to me'.
     I ripped one in two, I split another's head, then ripped it off. I cut two angels in half with my sword, and everything else was a blur. Scott and everyone else fought like their life depended on it, which it kinda did.
     That last name. Ignis. Maybe that could be my new last name.
      Liam Ignis. I like it.


     This chapter was a possible "What the fuck" moment. Hopefully I'm right. I don't like it when I'm wrong, but I'm a carefree kinda guy, so anyways moving on. Next chapter will be when the battle of Wyattson High reaches it's climax in the gym, with Gabriel and Scott fighting in badass description. Goodnight, people!

School of The Supernatural Book Two: Spark of War #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now