Chapter Seven

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     Scott came back to the manor at least an hour later with cuts and bruises all over. His clothes were in tatters, and we all stared as Scott patted Stiles' back and went to the bathroom to shower.
     "What did you do actually, Stiles?" Newt asked.
     "I used a little bit of my power." He replied, and the room went silent. It was Katie who broke the silence.
     "A little bit?" She questioned, shocked, and Stiles nodded.
     "The Nogitsune power relies on chaos, so I created chaos in the match. Easy."
     "No," I snapped, "not easy. You could've killed Scott."
     "He's the heir to hell, Liam. He can't die that easily."
     I ignored the rest of the conversation because I knew Stiles had changed. That power had changed him more than ever.

     After the conversation ended, Scott came downstairs looking like he just woke up, still healing. "Good. Both of you are here." Alexa said. "I need to speak with you two in private."
     I knew she was meaning about the heaven trip. "No." I said. "If me and Scott can hear it, then so can everyone else."
     "That's not how it works-"
     "It's how it will work, Alexa. All right? If we go, they go. I'm not leaving anyone behind again."
     "What do you mean by that?"
     "You don't wanna know." Div said quietly. "Too much to say." Thank you, Div for making me not explain why there wasn't a red-haired devil running around here.
     "Ah. Well, if you two won't come with me, then there's no choice but to tell them too." Alexa sat down on the sofa in front of me and began talking.
     "God doesn't favor devils, but he saw how powerful and needed to Lucifer you are. So he requested that I, the archangel, come down here and ask you to come up to heaven and discuss things with him."
     Scott looked deep in thought, then sighed. "As long as everyone else comes along."
     "I will make sure you all do."
     "Good, will there be beautiful maidens and delicious food?" I asked.
     "Um. . .yes."
     "Alright I'll go pack my bags."
     "Me too." Newt got up as quickly as me, but Alexa stopped us.
     "The trip to heaven doesn't require bags. Just a week stay, you'll have everything you need there."
     "Like food and a house to stay in?" Kat asked, and Alexa nodded. "Okay then."
     "What about phones?" Katie said hopefully.
     "No. You do not need to contact anyone in heaven."
     "Aww." Yeah, I was unhappy with that too. I mean, sure, I use my phone to listen to dubstep or the occasional Fall Out Boy, and watch YouTube and movies, but not really anything else. My friends all disappeared and I didn't know where they went.
     "So, no nothing and a nice house." Stiles said. "Got it. Seems easy enough. When do we leave?"
     "Two days from now."
     "We leave on a Monday?" I asked.
     "Fantastic, because I wasn't gonna do my project anyways." I laughed as Kat hit me in the shoulder hard. "Ow."
     "That better have hurt."
     "It did."
     "I must go talk to the second-in-command, a man named Gabriel, for preparations." Alexa bowed, then walked up the stairs and to the right where my room was.
     Scott gritted his teeth. "What the hell is up with her?"
     "What do you mean?" Asked Stiles.
     "She suddenly appears at our school, then says we need to have a pep talk with God? I say it's bullshit."
     "When'd you get all hostile?" I glanced at him, but he shrugged, so I didn't pressure him about it. "Anyways, maybe she's right."
     "Are you on drugs?" Scott snapped, glaring at me. "Liam, I don't like the sound of this. I really don't, and it's no poison controlling me this time. This is wrong."
     "You think it's a trap?"
     He nodded. "Course I do. I've never liked the angels or how they run things."
     "Maybe Alexa is being persuaded to do this." Katie suggested, but Kat shook her head.
     "No. Alexa is the archangel. She can't be persuaded by someone unless it's by someone with a higher rank."
     "Like God?"
     "No," Div interrupted, "not God. Someone else."
     "Gabriel?" I guessed. "Hasn't he disliked devils and demons for, like, ever?"
     "Yeah, he has." Newt said, sitting in a chair, sharpening his scythe blade. "The Reaper classifies as a demon, and so does a vampire, so sorry Div and Ryan."
     "Dammit." Ryan snapped his fingers. "I thought I was gonna get out of this one."
     "Well, unfortunately you're not." Div said. "You're coming with us, wether you like it or not."
     "Alright, Div. I won't leave again."
     "Finally you said it." Ryan laughed at that, but no one else did, so he shut up.
     "What's the plan, Scott?" I asked.
     He thought for a moment, then answered. "We go to heaven, but be careful, alright? I don't want any of us getting kidnapped. Make sure that you do not leave the house unless it is an extreme problem."
     We all nodded and agreed. "Okay, dismissed. Liam and Stiles, eavesdrop on Alexa's phone call."
     "Finally something interesting." I patted Stiles' shoulder and walked up the stairs, Stiles following close behind. I took a right, where I saw light flashing in my room, then darkness. "Knew it." I muttered, and slowing walked to the door, peeking through a crack.
     What I saw was Alexa, but with a man that looked in his 20's standing over her, with several other people smaller than him with light swords in their sheath. Then I heard the conversation, and felt my heart and mind plunge into total ruin. "Good work on invading Scott's household, Alexa. Your family will be set free when you return." Then he grabbed her and kind of kissed her?
     I fell back silently, my skin pale and I felt cold. "What did you see?" Stiles asked.
     "We need to get out of here, now." I got up, and grabbed Stiles by the sleeve, and ran for it, down the stairs and towards everyone else. "Everyone, out, now."
     "What's wrong?"
     "It's a setup! Alexa was persuaded to get here! Gabriel is here with at least a dozen other angels!" Then an explosion was heard from my room, and the sound of a door falling to the floor made adrenaline pump through my veins. "Oh, shit." I felt like vomiting, but I didn't, thankfully.
     Everyone stood there, looking at the second floor. "Gabriel should've been the one to go to hell, not Lucifer." Scott growled, and extended his wings, his eyes glowing red with rage. His katana formed in his hand, and he pointed it at the dust that was settling. "Bastard. . ."
     "Scott! My old friend's relative!" A voice sounded from the stairs. "How nice to see you again!"
     "Fuck you, Gabriel." Scott sounded more pissed than I've ever heard him. "My family should never have been banished from heaven!"
     Banished? What?! "What is he talking about?" Newt asked Scott, but he ignored him.
     Gabriel had a smug look on his face, with Alexa behind him, looking at me. I glared at her, and her expression was sad, but mine was angry that she had betrayed us like that! "You betrayed us, Alexa." I growled, my sword appearing. "Even after we called you our friend and gave you a house to live in!"
     "I didn't-"
     "I heard and saw every fucking thing. You lied to us, you used us!"
     "What was I supposed to do?!" She cried out. "They have my family!"
     "Actually," Gabriel interrupted, and flicked up a picture of a room full of blood and obliterated bodies, "this is your family."
     Alexa looked stunned, but I wasn't giving her an inch. "W-Wait, what?"
     "You did your part thinking that we'd keep your family alive!" He said with lunacy in his voice. "Your job here is done, Alexa."
     "You told me that my family was alive, dammit!"
     "Oops, I sinned."
     This mother fucker is gonna die. Alexa turned to looked at all of us, but said nothing as tears rolled down her face. "You are now an enemy of my household, archangel." Scott said, emotionless.
     "Kill them." Gabriel sneered, and the angel guards lunged at us with swords raised. I waited for my death, but nothing hit me.
     Then I realized that a sphere of red was around us. Liam! Forgotten barked in my mind. Get to the high school, and find Mr. Wright!
     I nodded. "Scott!" I shouted. "We need to get to the school, right now!"
     "Got it!" He made a small sphere of power, and ran. "Everyone, follow!" He ordered, and we all obeyed his demand, running out the door.
     "Brace yourselves!" I heard Gabriel shout, then a sound of air being sucked into a hole, and screams. Scott had created a black hole.
     I am here also. Fallen said. In case they decide, or survived that black hole, to come at us again.
     Thanks, Fallen. But Alexa. . .I looked back at the household. How did she not see what he had planned?


     I got a message saying that this story was still about me. Don't worry, the future isn't about me. It's about Scott and his past, and then some badass shit going down. So prepare yourselves, and goodnight.

School of The Supernatural Book Two: Spark of War #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now