Chapter Two

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     Samael. That name sounded like a demon's name, which made me nervous, but at the same time angry. I hated demons, except for my friend, Mak, who was a demon. The lunch period went on with Div avoiding eye contact with every single one of us, Alexa chatting with Scott and Mr. Wright, and me and the others just going to our next periods. Stiles had looked scared, like he knew this spirit. Maybe in his dream the spirit tried to kill him?
     Div, the vampire that had a crush on Stiles, for how long? Didn't even want to know. Newt, me, and Scott all looked at Stiles as he walked off to talk to Div is "private". "I doubt he'll say yes to her relationship." I said.
     "I would bet money if I had any. All the money goes to Scott since he pays the bills and taxes." Newt added, watching at our table as they left through the doors.
     "I'm just happy for them." Both of us glared at Scott, who shrugged. "Hey, we all haven't been in a relationship, and Stiles is actually about-"
     "To be fucking dating a vampire. A. Vampire." Newt repeated the last two words slowly. "Do I have to remind you about what happened when Div took off the rosary?"
     We had found out during the rest of sophomore year that the necklace was called a rosary, and the name didn't make it sound any less harmful.

Stiles' POV
(Third Person)

     When they found a safe place to have a nice conversation of what the hell had Div just said, Stiles finally looked at her. "Why?" He asked simply.
     "What do you mean?"
     "I mean, just why? Why like me, why not Scott, or Newt, or even Liam?" He didn't like Div in that way, just as a close friend.
She bit her lip. "Because all three of those guys aren't my type."
     "Um. . .okay, so human is your type?" Stiles knew he sounded a little harsh, but he didn't think Div cared at the moment. "Or is it just because you bit me last year?"
     "Well. . ." she told him why, and his face went red. "That's why." Don't worry, he'll tell me and the others later in the book.
     "Well then," Stiles didn't know what to say, "want to head to our next class?"
     Div nodded, and hugged his right arm, and they walked to the door, where it had slammed and he heard people running.

Liam's POV

     We sprinted to our next class, which was biology. "Well," I huffed, still running, "did you guys hear what Div said?"
     Newt shook his head, and Scott did the same. "We'll ask Stiles later, alright?"
     I agreed, the saw Stiles walking alone down the hall away from us. "You guys catch up, I'm gonna talk to him now."
     "What? Alright, I guess." Scott ran with Newt down the hall, and I tracked Stiles to a doorway. The boiler room?
     "Hey, Stiles!" I called, catching up to him. "Dude, where'd Div go?" But for some reason, he didn't remind me of Stiles. The way he stood, walked.
     He turned, and he looked exactly like him, but with yellow eyes and dark bags under his eyes. A grin formed on his face, and my body went rigid.
     "Hello, Liam." He said in Stiles' voice. "My name is Samael. I need your help." Once he said "help", I hit the ground, blacking out.
     I didn't have a dream while knocked out, but when I woke up I felt like I was in a dream.
     I was strapped down to a black table, or was that solidified blood? I struggled, trying to break free, but chains held me fast. I couldn't talk, my mouth was taped shut by, you guessed it, duct tape. Samael appeared in my peripheral vision, and walked up to me, and flicked my temple. "The hell do you want?" I snarled.
     "Stop acting so confident, Demon Killer." Samael laughed. "Right now, you are in the boiler room of your school, and Stiles is trying to get me to be his power. Correct?"

"How'd you-"
    "Quite easy, actually." Samael said. "While you and your friends were all discussing me, I was watching from a safe distance."
     "You're the Nogitsune?"
     "A name a woman gave me back during World War II."
     "And who was that woman?!"
Samael looked away, gritting his teeth. "Someone I don't want to talk about."
     "And what are you gonna do with me?!"
     "Simply put some of my essence into your bloodstream." Samael pulled a knife, a freaking huge one, and cut my arm, then the palm of his hand. It stung and blood dripped from the wound. "Like so." He placed his hand on my wound, and the pain went from a sting to like I was being burned.
     I felt like screaming out, but I held it in. I didn't want to let people see what was happening, especially normal humans. Then the feeling of being in a dream intensified, and I was no longer in control of my body.
     "There. Now I won't kill anyone, I'll just be like you."
     I could hear everything, and sing too, but I couldn't talk or have control of my body. Samael took off the chains and I flew to the door, but it wasn't really me, and walked out.

Stiles' POV
(Third Person)

     Stiles had been in class when Liam walked in. "Mr. Liam." Our teacher, Mr. Williams said. "You're late."
     "Sorry. Didn't feel so well after lunch." He replied, and sat down next to Stiles. "Hey, dude. What did Div say to you?"
     "That was you?" Stiles hissed. "Who else?"
     "Just me, Scott and Newt."
     He sighed quietly as Mr. Williams started teaching. "Just why she likes me."
     "Really? That's it?"
     "I thought there'd be more too. But yeah, that was all she told me." He whispered, and Liam frowned. Then Stiles saw the bags under Liam's eyes. "Dude, you getting enough sleep?"
      "Been up doing homework. I'm alright." Stiles didn't think he was alright. Liam didn't have bags at lunch, or so he thought. His eyes were the same green, and he looked like Liam.
     "Alright. Just make sure you don't stay up too long."
     "Whatever, mom." They both snickered, and then focused back on biology.

     When the day was over, Stiles and the rest of the household walked back to the manor, Liam seeming different and talking away with Kat and Katie.
     He seemed more interesting, a little more fun, but Stiles knew something was up. This wasn't Liam. Liam was someone who was more of the quiet person who's always fun to be around, but this guy was different.
     "Samael." Stiles said, interrupting Liam. "Where the fuck is Liam."

  Everyone stopped, and Liam looked at him like he was insane. "What are you talking about? It's me, Liam. No Samael around here, dude."
     "That's the problem." Stiles pointed at Liam. "You didn't have bags under your eyes at lunch, and also you didn't even look partially sick afterwards either when I left with Div. What are you doing in Liam's body, Samael?!"
     The air around them turned hot, and the grass died. Some dark wind escaped Liam's mouth, and floated there for a second before becoming a person that looked like Stiles, but it was the Nogitsune.
     Or Samael to be descriptive.


     Woo, I get possessed by Samael. Great. Perfecto. Anyways, I'm currently on vacation, so that's why it took a bit to publish this chapter. But the next chapter will be more around a fight between Samael and Stiles. Who shall win? That's my choice, so you gotta wait. I'm not spoiling anything. Have a nice day, people!

School of The Supernatural Book Two: Spark of War #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now