Horrid past

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This is like the tenth time we'd moved. We always move once I run into trouble. I don't know how I get into these problems, it's not my fault, the world is just unfair.

"Mark Edward Fischbach, I need to speak to you immediately !" I grunted as I got out of my new room. She's just going to say the same things she always does, hoping it'll help but it never does.

"I'm worried about you Mark." She started talking once I reached the living room. "I know you're not a bad person, I know it's been tough for you ever since the divorce. I'm still shaken about it too but sometimes love isn't meant to be. I hope you'll find you're true love one day. And when you do, I'm pretty sure you don't want to let them be your bad side." I rolled my eyes like I do every time when she gets to this part. "I love you and I want you to be happy, you'll do that for me, right?"

She looked me in my eyes, queuing my lines. "Mom, I can't make any promises that this will get better, but I will try. Now if you don't mind, I'm going out to check out the neighborhood." I could feel her eyes on me as I walked out if the house. I decided to walk to a nearby park and clear my thoughts there. I ended up crying on a bench after about an hour.

It's been four years since they broke up and four years since my depression started. They never fought a lot, I still don't understand why they had to leave each other. Ever since the divorce I couldn't focus on school and got made fun of from kids that said that it was my fault my parents separated. I couldn't take it anymore after months of the constant torment. I had few friends, I started to cut myself, and I cried everyday after school. One day I snapped and beat up my bullies. I beat than so badly that I got some restraining orders and had to be expelled. But it never stopped. With each new school, the vileness of their words increased and I still had nightmares about filled with the words of my first bullies. It didn't help that I was gay, my colored hair gave it away immediately. Some of those bullies even toyed with my emotions. Even the girls would peck me on my cheeks and laugh at my panic and nausea. That wasn't even the worst part of it...

I wiped my tears away and headed back home, trying to cheer my self up before that awful memory came back. This is a new year, I'll be a junior in high school. We moved really far away this time so no one here knows who I am. School starts in a couple days so my newness won't show excessively. I can be normal.

"Where have you been, I was starting to worry!" "I was at a nearby park, it's really nice." I said as I darted up to my room so she wouldn't notice that my eyes were red and my face was puffy. I decide to take a nap, I had exhausted myself so much from remembering my burden of life.

I woke up to a knock at my door. I got up rather lazily expecting my mother to be at the door to comfort me. Surprisingly, I was met with the smell of her family dish standing right outside my door with a card beside it.

'I love you so much son, don't think so much. The past is in the past.
- xoxo, Mom'

She really does care, I should thank her more often. I brought the food into my room and started playing video games trying to forget.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I checked the new message, not checking who it was first.

DONT ANSWER : hey baby I miss you <3

I cried, and the rest of that day became a blur.

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