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We spent the rest of the weekend in each others presence. I'm glad me and Mark both had feelings for each other. I was finally able to have someone to protect. Mark is like my fallen angle and I want to be there for him like those that were there for me. I know my problems aren't as big as his, my puppy died when I was eight. I was a big cry baby about it, he was like family to me, he died in my arms. My friends and family pulled together to have the best and most respectful funeral.

From what I've seen, Mark had no one, whatever he lost, no one helped him cope. He was still broken, he is constantly being harassed. Whoever is sending him those awful things deserves to rot, they seem to be getting worse, I've made sure to keep him busy though so he doesn't have to check them. I don't understand why he keeps reading them, I've offered him my hand to hold when he reads them. He's nearly broken my hand every time, but I stay there. I don't want him to snap again because I'm sure I'll snap too.

I look over to Mark. We've fallen asleep on the floor again, school starts in a couple of hours. I want to lay here just a while longer, the rising sun illuminates his face, showing his joy, he must be having a good dream. I sigh, I want to know what happened, I want him to be happy. I unravel myself from his cuddling, careful to not disturb him, and give him a soft kiss on his forehead. He smiled, gosh he was so cute, I'm glad he told me first because I'm not sure I would have. I scribbled a note telling him I went home to get ready for school and placed it where I was. Before I left I made sure his alarm would go off with enough time for him to get ready and went on my way.

During lunch me and Mark sat across from each other holding hands under the table. Many people walked by saying hello to me and just chatting for a few seconds. Even if they talked to Mark, he gave them a fake smile and squeezed my hand a bit, it seemed really unlike him to do that. I expected a shy, stuttering cute boyfriend, I don't know what got into him, I'll have to talk to him silently, almost telepathically.
Text him, of course.

Jackaboy : Merk, you okay?
Markimoo : peachy🍑
Jackaboy : huh, that always looked like an apricot to me
(He chuckled) Markimoo : you're cute when your clueless ;)
Jackaboy : don't change the subject! >:(
Markimoo : you're the one who started it
Markimoo : what do you want
(I shot him a look) Jackaboy : why are you acting so weird?
Markimoo : we both know you're the weird one...>;)
Jackaboy : I'm not the one acting like a b*tch

He slammed his phone down and grabbed me by the collar. He brought me close to his face, his eyes were full of anger and fear, luckily no one noticed this. "Don't you ever, and I mean ever, call me that disgraceful name. Even if you're joking, deep down you mean it and you know that. I know what you're talking about, I'm sorry if I get a little possessive and jealous but I can't help it. You're so gosh darn beautiful, who wouldn't want you for themselves. But that is not okay, abusive words directed at each other won't help us. I'm hurt Sean, those words really cut into me." He growled as my face became more and more red with each word. "I'll talk with you later." He got up and left, I was so speechless. Sadly he left his phone, again right where I could see it, when a new message was received.

DONT ANSWER : b*tch, b*tch, b*tch. That was my favorite nickname of yours, Marky<3, you haven't forgotten have you? b*tch, b*tch, b*tch

I put my head down and stayed like that until it was time for class. What had I done, I didn't know, but it was still my fault. Mark never returned, I would have to give him his phone. I'd have to act like I hadn't seen anything, and that's what hurt me most. I'd have to act oblivious towards my loved one's pain and do nothing, I couldn't help until he let me. Had he really said he was jealous... did he really call me beautiful...

"Hey, markimoo, you left your phone." I put his phone on his desk quickly sitting next to him, and tried to focus on my work.
"Thanks, jackaboy. Hey, I'm sorry for blowing up on you. I don't know what got int-"
"No worries, I'm actually a bit flattered you called me beautiful, since obviously you're the one with the looks." I smiled in his direction, noticing his slight blush.
"Aww, stahp it you. We can make up *cough* and make out *cough* when we get to my place." Oh, his devilish smirk, it filled me with anticipation.
"Why don't you come over to my house, I know we haven't even been together a week, but I know my mom would love you."
"Not as much as I love you, my leprechaun." And with that we went back to our sketchbooks, where my surprise for him was hidden. Hopefully, I can draw more than eyes for this. Though, I wish his almond eyes were the only things I could create. Anything to have a reason to stare into them.

A/N : hey~again~, wow I did it. Gnarly! Tubular! Yeah, yeah I'm a pansy for trying to censor bad words a bit, I'm sorry (it tried to autocorrect sorry into dirty, lol, anyway). I don't curse in real life, so I'm a bit sensitive to writing it out, even if it makes no difference. I just wrote (typed) this all because I just got this huge spurt of story energy. I'm going to bed now it's 2:30am, and bad habits die hard. Hope you enjoyed!

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