Tagged (not part of the story)

513 6 4

1. When you see my display name what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Theres ALWAYS time to partay!!!

2.What's your favorite color and why?
Blue, mainly pale shades just because I think they're cute, but pastel colors give me life.

3. Hi I'm (name/Elizabeth) and you?
I'm Odaliz, yeah I know, weird name, weird life, weird soul

4. Space is coooool. Don't you think?
Space is utterly fascinating! Though I tend to pay more attention to the things on this miserable rock just because they seem amazing, maybe.

5. Don't you hate it when people judge  other people about something and they don't even know what their talking about?
Totally, but if I complain about it they start saying I know nothing.

6. I am you worst nightmare, yet I am what you want most, what am I?
People depending on me

7. Whats nine plus ten?
21! *subtly dabs 19 times* blaze it!

8. Did you need some smart juice for that last question?
You can buy smart juice! Where has it been all those times my brain has left me!?

9. What do you do if you see a girl being kidnapped?
Try to help or convince others to help. I think in the heat of the moment I'd just stand there like an idiot because I'm not very assertive *oh the shame*

10. You see two men kissing, how do you react?
Should I really have a reaction, I'm glad they found happiness, but they're relationship should not concern me, it's there life not my place to judge. But yeah, I'm happy for them, going through everything life's thrown at them and standing by each other, nice!

11. What do you think of me? Why do you even follow me?
I think you're a great person, that's why I followed you, oh!, and your stories are great. I really do enjoy them!!!

12. What's your otp?
Oh, I'm sorry, did I not properly introduce myself as a person obsessed with septiplier? Well now you know! (It's a fun and cute ship)

13. There's a famous person in your house when you get home, who is it and how do you react?
Knock them out, making them lose their memory, because, what the heck, how'd they get in here! Realize it's Markiplier and try to convince him to be mine (mwahaha). In reality I'd just spend the day hanging out with him, drooling over how hot he is in real life.

14. If I was possessed by a demon, would you kill me or try to help?
*douses you in holy water* better? No, well then, everyone's got demons, so it's okay if yours is visible, as long as it's not evil~

That was honestly a lot of fun, I've always wanted to do that before! Questions are numbered and answers are subtly italicized. I guess I have to tag people now, okay!


You don't have to do it and for the person that tagged me you don't have to do all the questions again, I am sort of curious of your opinion on me though...

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