Let me in

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Mark left me in such a hurry. Why'd I have to bring up that stupid text, we were having such a good time. It's Friday now, I'm in art, sitting by myself. I know Mark is skipping this class because I always see him walk to school in the morning. Honestly, I'm not sure if he even knows I live across from him. It's for the best, I don't want him to be upset. His voice was so shaky last time and he seemed on the verge of tears. That's it when I get home I'm gonna text him, no call him. Heck I'll even see if he walks home so I can talk to him face to fa-.
"Mcloughlin!" My art teacher was right in my face.
"Sorry, I was deep in thought about, er, art."
"I asked for you to hand me your portfolio, class ended five minutes ago."
Oh no. What if Mark is already home. I handed him my portfolio, with a few apologies, and dashed out of his room. Luckily, I caught up to Mark as he was barely leaving school grounds.

"Mark! Mark! Slow down buddy, I'm in art not in track." He stopped but didn't say any thing but I did here a chuckle. "Hey, I know it wasn't okay for me to confront you the other day. Can we act like nothing happened, I just want you to be okay." I looked into his eyes.
"Sure, I was hoping you'd want to come over and play video games."
"I'd love to, but I gotta warn you, I am THE BOSS when it comes to video games."

We played late into the afternoon and had a jolly time. We had no worries and no homework. He turned to me after I demolished him in a game of table tug.
"Jack it's getting late, won't your parents worry?"
"But were having so much fun!"
"You can spend the night, maybe the whole weekend, my moms coming home next Friday. But you should tell your parents if you are."

"Hold on I'll be right back." I sprinted out if his house, ran across the street, into my house, then into my room. "Ma, I'm spending the weekend at Marks!" With that I threw some essentials into a backpack and was back in marks room in record time.

"Where were you? Did you tell your parents? How'd you get your stuff so fast?" He started shooting questions at me.
"Mark, you doofus, I live right across the street." I said with a chuckle,
"That's awesome!" His eyes filled with joy. "I've never had a friend *cough* live that close before."
That cough was suspicious, but I don't want to upset him. We played more games into the night and ended up passing out next to eachother.


I woke up feeling warm. Not sick warm but like butterfly warm. I felt something snuggle up to me, it was Jack. He looked so cute when he slept. Ugh, he'd never like me anyway. We were on the floor, the tv was still running. I guess Jack really was the boss, he'd beat me at almost every game I owned. I felt my phone buzz in my picket. I reached for it, trying not to disturb Jack.

DONT ANSWER : Marky <3, I want to be the only thing close to you. You pathetic piece of trash. I'm all you've got anyway, you have no friends

I ran to my bathroom, not caring if I woke Jack now, and locked the door behind me. HIS texts are starting to hurt me more in my most vulnerable spots. I looked in the mirror, disgusted by what I saw. A loner, with no friends and nobody that loved him. He might as well die, no one would care. I grabbed the razor blade that I had taped under the sink, because my mother would always try to keep me from harming myself. Sadly, I know I'm the one harming everyone else. I glided it across my wrists. Counting out each stroke on both of my arms.
I heard a knock and snapped out of it. I saw the blood drip, the pain settled in, and I started to cry my ugly sobs.

"Mark, please let me in." I kept on crying and huddled by the door letting his voice soothe me. "It's okay, I'm not judging. Just let me in. Not just to the bathroom, but into you life."

"Huh," I sniffle, "what?"

A/N : short chapter with a bit of a cliff hanger. I wanted to update since my priority tomorrow is to watch Mark and Bobs livestream. Coolio...

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