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His house was basically a reflection of mine. But mirrors don't reflect what's on the inside. I felt a very warm, loving atmosphere radiate from his house.
"Sean! Yer home!" A lady, I assume is his mother, shouted from the doorway. She had those same piercing blue eyes.
"Ma, why are ye yellin', ya never do that!" He yelled back, even though we were only a few feet away. How had I never heard this before, we literally live across the street from each other.
"Seany, I'm just so happy ye finally got a boyfriend." I looked down realizing that me and Jack had our hands interlocked with one another.
Jack and I shared a deep blush, he rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand. "Ma, don't embarrass me, we haven't even been dating that long. Now if you don't mind were going up to my room to play video games, okay?"
"Be careful, I just washed your bed sheets, no mystery stains."
I burst out laughing as Jack pushed us past his mother and up the stairs into his bedroom.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry, my Ma has no filter."
"Are you kidding me, she's the best. She must know you so well." He was blushing so much. I could remember how back then my mother embarrassed me in front of my friends. Life used to be so simple.
"No, she just likes to embarrass me. Don't tell me yer mom doesn't do the same thing."
"No, not really, she has no one to embarrass me in front of anymore."
"It's complicated."
"Well I'm here to listen."
I sighed, maybe I could tell him, not everything though. "Well, my parents divorced about four years ago. My dad left with my brother. Sadly, my brother died of a suicide attempt a month after the divorce. He was always my rock, how was I supposed to be okay when even he couldn't be. My mother was so worried about me, I didn't want her to worry about me or anyone for that matter. No one at school wanted to be my friend anymore and I was a jerk to my old friends. It's been really lonely, the house is so quiet. But ever since we got here, and meeting you, I think everything's okay."
I felt good, I shared a few of my burdens and I was okay. I was so grateful to be here, to meet Sean. I didn't want to drive him away like everyone else and I knew he would never take advantage of me.
I looked over at Jack, a single tear was rolling down his cheek, I swept it away with my thumb. "I'm sorry Mark, I don't know what it's like to go through something like that."
"Don't cry Jack, this isn't you're fault. I'm over it now, you're my rock now."
He pulled me into a hug, "come on, I wanna demolish you at mario kart."

We played, ate pizza, and snuggled until the late hours of the night.
"Whoever wins gets to sleep on the bed." Jack was in first place, I could only beat him with a miracle.
"No way, I'm the guest, no matter what I get the bed."
"What?! I slept in your floor, don't be such a hypocrite."
"Well guess what." I shot the blue shell that I just got, which launched him off the track and crossed the finish line before he had a chance to recover.
"Mark! What the fook, I was so close that's unfair!"
"Don't worry, as the victor I choose for us both to sleep in the bed." I could see his blush illuminated by the screen.
"F-fine, but I'm gonna lock the door, I don't want my mom to worry about the 'mystery stains'."
I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry but that was priceless. Come on let's snuggle." He didn't move, "you okay Sean?"
"It's just kinda hot an u usually sleep in my boxers."
It was now my turn to blush. "Er, that's cool I was going to do the same, so..."
He headed off to the bathroom while I undressed myself and went under the blankets. "Are ye ready?"
"Yes I am Jack."
"Don't look at me, okay?" He must be really nervous, he always seemed so confident. I heard the bathroom door open and covered my eyes with the blankets. I felt the bed move when he got in.
"I'm sorry, I've just never been in my underwear in front of other people."
"What about when you go swimming?"
"That's different ye doof!"
I scooted closer to him, "well let's swim then..." I spooned him a bit and Man, did it feel amazing. His warmth radiating into my heart, his skin was so smooth, all that was missing were those eyes.
"It's a little too early for the deep end, Mark." He chuckled and turned around to face me. I kissed his forehead, and he pecked my nose. We fell asleep to the beat of each other's heart.
If only life were this simple...

A/N : man is it hard to write this out. I meant this as 'wow, writing takes dedication' not 'wow, I don't want to do this anymore'. I procrastinate on a lot of things even those that I enjoy. It's gonna be tough to update when school starts, but what fun is anything without a challenge. This may be short but I have plenty of ideas, not all good, but they're there. Hope you enjoyed!

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