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My week at the hospital is now over, Jack has stayed by my side everyday he could. The only downside is that I leave the hospital the same day my mom comes home. Fantastic! I have no idea how I'm going to explain anything to her.
"Jack, what do you think she'll say."
"Did she know about him?"
"A bit, not everything."
"Well at least you have a place to start."
Just then the door burst open revealing an Asian women. "Mark, I was so worried, I would have come sooner but my plane barely arrived today."
She came over to my bedside and hugged me, "It's okay, this is my fault anyway."
Jack interrupted our hug, "I'm Jack!"
She turns around an cleared her throat, "Hello, are you lost?"
"No I'm here for Merk."
"Oh! You're the Jack Mark has told me about."
"Yeah, we're pretty good friends." I could see the sadness in his eyes.
"Well, if you boys would excuse me, I have some papers to sign. She blew me a kiss as she walked out of the room.

I reached for Jack's hand and he grabbed it. "I thought we were more than friends."
"Well, Mark, I haven't properly been asked to be anyone's boyfriend." He flashed me a cheeky smile.
"Jack, will you be my doofy boyfriend?"
"W-What! Why?!"
"It's my turn to ask."
"Ask away then."
"Not yet. You have to wait a month before taking someone else's boyfriend, Gay Code."
"That's a load of bull!" We were both laughing now.
"It's not my rule, now come on let's get you home."
Jack and I walked down to the waiting area where my mom was. She had already checked me out so we could head home.


I walked up to Mark's home with him and his mom. I've always wondered what it looked like from inside. It was a very attractive house with an even more attractive person living in it.
"Jack, you don't mind going up to Marks room while I talk to him right?"
"Of course not, see ya later, bye Mark."
I waved goodbye and headed upstairs. The inside of the house was absolutely beautiful. I sat down on his bed and waited. And waited. And waited. Until I passed out.


The door slammed shut and jolted me awake. "You don't understand! You never understand!"
He hurled himself onto his bed making me bounce. He was crying very hard, I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Even in my sleep I could hear the yelling.
"Mark, what happened."
He just laid there, ignoring me. I scooted closer whispering sweet things into his ear. After a while he calmed down and wrapped an arm around me. I tried to get out but he held me tighter. "Stay." I laid down next to him and soon heard snores, my poor Markimoo.


I'm stuck. Nobody wants me. Nobody needs me. I deserve everything. I deserve nothing. All I see is HIS face. After finally lasting months without having nightmares, I'm right back where I started.
My mother hates me. It's my fault. My dad was ashamed of having a gay son. He said I was too young to know anything. He raped me to show me what it's like. The truth is my mother divorced him, to protect me. My brother came out after the the divorce was settled. He killed himself so my father wouldn't touch him.
It's my fault.
I broke my own family.

I was teased all throughout school. Everyday I'd come home tears down my face and new bruises forming. My mother got sick of it, we'd always move after a couple of months, thankfully her work allowed it. About two years ago I met Shane. It's been so long since I've remembered his true name. I thought I loved him, I thought he loved me.
I knew nothing.

He soon started to get abusive. I'd always find him drunk or high, then he'd... touch me in dirty ways. I didn't like it but he'd threaten me. Even after I moved he'd always find me. There was something inside me saying I needed him.
It was the same voice.

The same voice that told me to cut. Told me to starve myself. Told me I was worth nothing. Told me to kill myself. I listened to that voice. I don't feel regret, I still feel like I deserve it.

Why am I still here?

I need you

Who said that?

You're buddy Jack

Jack, the one thing that keeps me alive without causing me pain.

That's a lie I've hurt you and I'm sorry, but we've grown stronger

I'm glad.

Wake up, I need to see your eyes

And I need to say yours...


Cute, he talks in his sleep. He was having a nightmare, it brought tears to my eyes. I had to help him because he had helped me. I needed him too, I couldn't let him slip away.
He opened his eyes. They were brilliant. Full of love and life. I stared back down at him, I hope he could see all the love I have for him.
"Are you my boyfriend yet Jack?"
"Three weeks, my love."

I leaned down and gave him a kiss. The kiss of true love that awakened my sleeping beauty.

A/N: wow 900 words of pure story. Mainly a filler though, until the case. Thank you so much for the reads, I'm truly grateful. It touches my heart to see people enjoy this piece of trash. I hope you enjoyed!

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