The Party

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"So, are we sleeping over at your house or mine?" Me and Mark have been hanging out every night, sometimes switching houses in the middle if the night.
"Not tonight babe, my moms coming home."
"Why don't I come over and meet her."
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"Why? Please let me come over."
"No and that's the end of this conversation."
Mark got up and moved to an empty table. Great, I probably upset him. Then came Wade, this just gets better and better. "Jack you haven't been hanging with the guys lately, what's the matter."
"Wade, I don't want to talk about it, especially with you."
He chuckled, "I miss you."
"Ugh, Wade, get away with your gushy, feely stuff, I have a boyfriend."
"Really, was it the guy that just left."
"Yeah, his name is Mark, he just got upset with me."
"Hey, if you have nothing to do tonight, you could come over and hang with the guys."
"I'd like that, around seven?"
"Just like old times!"

I finally completed my portrait of Mark. It was so captivating to look at, I actually did a decent job. He looked so strong yet soft, so cute yet handsome, so powerful yet respectful. I don't know when I should give it to him, honestly I kind of want to keep it just to stare into those almond eyes.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Jack, I'm sorry for saying no earlier."
"Mark, it's cool, you need time with yer mother and I can respect that."
"I know, I'm just sorry for always getting mad and having to apologize. It doesn't feel right."
"It's alright, I'm hanging with my friends tonight, I haven't spent time with them since, you know."
"Yeah, I guess I'll see you Saturday?"
"At the park, I really like that spot."
We held hands under the table until class ended. We walked home together, hugged goodbye, and went to our respective houses.

"Leprechaun, glad you could make it!"
"Wouldn't miss this for the world, ye meatball!"
"Why haven't we seen you lately Jack, you've missed some great times." I turned to Bob, he always went straight to the point.
"Well I have a boyfriend now, and we've been spending every second together now."
"Ooooh, our Irishman got himself a boyfriend." Ken taunted me.
"Hey, you gotta admit were a cute couple."
"He's got us there fellas. But more importantly, Jack, you wanna go to a party with us?." I looked at Wade they know I don't like parties.
"Ugh, not really, but for you guys sure." What could go wrong.

We drive to some kids house, I think his name is Evan, I never knew him personally. We're only two weeks into school and there's already parties with booze, man I've got to get out more. "Here Jack," Felix handed me a drink, "Wade told me your man was upset with you a bit, you could use this to feel better." I took the drink, Mark isn't really upset but Felix just wanted to help. I never drank though, when nobody was looking I'd dump it. I don't know why I'm trying to fit in with this crowd, but they're my friends, I should let them think that they're helping a problem that isn't there. Later on I got a text from Mark.

Markimoo : watcha doin :P
Jackaboy : got dragged to a party, hbu
Markimoo : that's so unlike you, OH MY GERSH
Markimoo : I'm just chilling
Jackaboy : lol, I'm not drinking though
Markimoo : you're a fraud! A fake Irishman!
Jackaboy : oh no! now you know the truth, haha
Markimoo : see ya tomorrow, you Irish disgrace ;P
Jackaboy : see ya, you loser ;)

I laughed a little to myself, before I scrolled up to see our older conversations. There were a lot of  'I love you's', but I was also reminded of our awful fight. That put a frown in my face, he wasn't okay and here I was at a party without him. I sighed as I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Awe, you're too cute to be sad."
I turned to see a girl, she seemed beyond drunk. "Ugh, excuse me?"
"You heard me cutie," she pushed me back a bit towards a wall, "I want to turn that frown upside down."
"I don't want any, thank you." I tried to push her away, but I couldn't, she was too forceful and I was too shocked.
She purred into my ear, "I'll make you happy."
She forced her lips onto mine, I closed my eyes. This felt wrong, but I gave into the kiss. I could feel her hands trying to get under my shirt and mine were on her hips. When I opened my eyes I saw a hurt Mark. I can't do this to him, her hands felt icy, I need Marks warmth. I pushed her away and headed for the door.
"Are you leaving Jack?" Bob seemed worried.
"I'm going home, thanks for bringing me." My words sounded like venom, I wasn't trying to be hurtful, I should be the one being punished.

I walked home, it was near midnight, my mom was sitting on the couch.
"Where were you, I was worried."
"At a party, don't worry, I didn't drink." With that I headed up to my room. I got ready for bed, ready for my thoughts to haunt me. 'How could I do this to Mark? I wasn't even drunk. Should I tell him? No one has to know. Why did I give into the kiss? Do I deserve Mark, do I deserve to protect him?'
I fell asleep sending him one last text: 'I love you'.

It said that the message was read.

A/N : thought I'd update since a story I enjoy reading was updated and I was happy. Not that the story I'm reading has a joyful mood (you know triggers) but it's cute and is good. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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