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I woke up in an all too familiar bed. It reeked of alcohol and I was in such unbearable pain. There was a note next to me signed by HIM.

Hey there Marky, you were wonderful last night. Have you been practicing? I hope not. See ya later you worthless sack<3
P.S. I left you a surprise>;)

Attached was a picture of me passed out and naked. I must of really taken a beating. I noticed that the note started to get wet and looked up expecting a leak in the roof. The leak was in my eyes. Why did I leave Jack for this? He apologized and I rejected him. Maybe because this pain keeps me going. Feeling sadness and pain makes me feel alive, makes me sure that I can still feel.

I couldn't get up, couldn't run away, the pain was too much. I was still naked and covered in bruises. Even if I wasn't in pain I couldn't leave, I couldn't go back to Jack, not after what I did to him. Even if I could leave I had nowhere to go, my mom left for winter break to be more involved in work. He'd never accept me, I'm just a basket case, I don't deserve his love. I want to die, I want to end this misery, but I can't because I know I deserve this.
I here footsteps coming down the hallway.

"Mark! Oh my gosh are you okay!"
Jack runs over to my side and tries to hug me.
"Jack don't, it hurts."
"What hurts!"
"Everything." I say bluntly.
"Everything? Mark what happened to you?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that." I pointed at his arms, foolish, he didn't even try to cover them.
"Er, I fell of me bike. That's not the point! How did you get here?"
"Once again, shouldn't I be the one asking you that."
He smiled, it was so beautiful. "Mark, come on we don't have time for your bickering."
I pouted like a child, "But whyyyy?"
"You look pretty beat up, and I'm a twig. So just imagine if whoever did this to you got a hold of me."
I smiled despite our current situation. "Fine, but I still can't move."
"Here let me help you." He reached over to uncover me.
"Jack stop!"
"Why, what the matter."
I blushed and said quietly, "I'm not dressed."
He also had a pink shade. "Oh, okay, so if ye can't move and you're *cough*, how do I get you out of here?"
"Simple. You don't."
"Mark, no"
"I deserve this for hurting you enough to do that to yourself, for doing what I've done, and being who I am."
"Don't fight me on this Jack. Now you need to go before you end up like me, or worse..."
He got up an headed for the door and mumbled, "I care so much" before he left.
I laid there until I fell asleep and had sweet dreams of my prince saving me, eventually...


I didn't want to leave him there, but if whoever did that to him found me, we'd be in serious trouble. Luckily in this day and age I could track his phone. I had to find the perfect time to get Mark out of there. That place looked like a pigsty, broken furniture, crappy devices, smell of alcohol, smoke in the air. The worst part was seeing random bloodstains. I didn't want him to see my worry for him, he rejected and hurt me. It was my fault though I set him off, I didn't mean a thing and it still haunted me. I only hurt myself once, that was all I could take. It was like smoking, if you keep lighting the fire you're going to get burned. My scars were healing I was going to be fine, but there was still a gash in my heart. I went home and slept dreaming of saving my sleeping beauty, eventually...

A/N: I'm so sorry, this took way to long to write, and all my other versions of this took a VERY wrong turn, maybe on my deathbed I'll release those awful, awful things

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