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I am currently in the bushes outside of the infernal prison that my love is trapped in. It's blazing code, but the thought of seeing Mark warms me heart. I know that his abuser is home, I'm hoping to talk with him like a rationale human being. But just in case I have some pepper spray and a frying pan with me. Not sure what to expect, but the longer I wait the greater the chance Mark might be hurt. I couldn't stand to cause him more pain. If I hadn't  gotten so butt hurt, he wouldn't be here.

I heard a crash from the inside and looked through the window. Mark was on the floor surrounded by pieces of furniture, his abuser yelling horrible things at him. 'Fag. Worthless. Kill yourself. B*tch. Loser. Nobody loves you. You should die.' All of them are lies. I grabbed the handle of the frying pan, stepped back a bit and hurled it at the window. I heard two screams, one from my scared lover, and the other from a hurt bully.

"Mark! Are you okay?" I jumped into the house through the broken window.
"Jack... call the... ambulance..."
I whipped out my phone and dialed 911 while I reached for Mark's hand.
"You're okay, I'm here now."
"Jack... watch out"
I turned around to get a delightful fist sandwich.

"So you're the Jack that my sweet Marky slut talks about in his sleep."
"And you're the b*tch that keeps hurting MY Mark."
"Your Mark my ass."
I couldn't help smiling, it must be really awkward for Mark to have two people fight for him.
"What are you smiling for?"
I could hear the sirens in the distance. "The fact that Mark is inevitably mine."
Everything went dark as he threw another fist at my face.


I woke up in a white room with sounds of steady beeps. The hospital.
"Yeah" We must be sharing a room.
"Am I in heaven?"
"What?! Why do you think that?"
"Because I can here your voice."


I blushed, am I his heaven. "Jack ya doof, we're in the hospital."
"I know ya smelly, I just wanted to be cheesily romantic."
"Get some sleep you sound tired."
"Tell me a story." He said in his most childish voice and giggled.
"There was this boy named Jack and he went to sleep."
"You're no fun!" I could hear him roll over.
I rolled over to face him. He had two black eyes, they just intensified the blue. He seemed even more slender and paler in this hospital setting, even though I probably look worse.
"What are you thinking about."
"How beautiful you are compared to me."
"Well you do look like shit."
"Wow, you totally helped my self esteem."
"I mean it as, no wonder you're in the hospital."
"Getting plastic surgery."
He scoffed, "You're perfect, I need to start heading to the gym."
"Nah man, you look good, but you'd look greater in my arms."
We both laughed as the doctor came in.
"Good afternoon boys, I'm Doctor Sharp, you can call me Nate. You took quite a beating, would you both happen to be victims of domestic abuse, if you don't mind me asking."
"I am, Jack was just helping me out of it."
"The case is already filed, they told me to tell you about the court case and that you have to speak against him."
"Can I go too!"
"Sure? I guess, but Mark, if I can call you that," I gave him nod, "the case will be in a month."
"Do you know when we're being discharged?"
"Jack can be released later today, but you need to stay for a week. Don't worry though, you'll be out in time for school." With that he left.

I reached my hand out to Jack. "Will okay be our forever?"
"Shut the fook up Mark!" He kissed my hand and I was finally able to sleep in peace.

A/N: I'm temporarily blind, can't find my glasses. Pretty proud of myself for pushing this chapter out so quickly. (Never mind I messed up)Anyway, hope you enjoyed.

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