The Right Moment

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"What?" I unlocked the door and opened it to where I could see jacks face. "What do you mean by that?"
"Exactly what I said, I want to be in your life. Not out of pity, but because I think we could really be friends."
I cried and pulled him into a hug, but quickly pulled away realizing that my arms were still bloody. "Sorry, I kind of snapped."
He smiled, "Don't worry about it, I'm not here to judge. Come on let's get you cleaned up."
He washed my arms and wrapped them in gauze. I loved feeling his warm, soft hands caress each wound. After that episode we laid down on my bed, so close to eachother. That was the best sleep I've had in a long time.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes, Jack must have made breakfast. I headed downstairs.
"Mornin' sleepy head!" He greeted with a warm smile.
"Morning. Why are you making pancakes?"
"Because I thought it'd be a great way to start off our day and they're fookin' delicious." I laughed at his response. He could always make me happy.
After he finished we sat down across from eachother and chowed down.
"So, what're we doing today." He asked with a mouth full of pancakes."
"I don't know, but right now I know I don't want to be stuck in this house all day."
"What's wrong with being couch potatoes? Potatoes are great ye know, back in Ireland we worshipped them."
I tried not to spit out pancake bits when I laughed. "This is America, we have a whole state devoted to them, I think that's more than enough praise for some root."
"WHAT! One meesly state isn't even half of what potatoes deserve. Idaho more like u-daho."
I started blushing. "Wouldn't you like that." I stared into his ocean eyes, I could see the warm pink glow resembling that of a sunset grow onto his cheeks.
"M-maybe we c-could go to te beach, ye know?" He avoided my tease, I couldn't believe I actually said that. The fact that he made that lame pun was more unbelievable.
"Sure, we just need to pack."

Once we made it to the beach I made a dash for the warm sand. "Mark! It'd be great if you would help me unpack." I ignored him and laid down and submerged myself in the halo that surrounds the blue sea. It was so warm it felt like the kind of hugs you get from your family, your friends, your lover... Too bad I didn't have any of that. My family was broken, I had no friends and no lover, then what am I doing with Jack? Suddenly I couldn't see the sun anymore, only a radial rainbow pattern. "Hey, I was enjoying the sun!" I looked over at Jack who shot me a smirk.
"You can't enjoy something that isn't touching you." Oh, how true that was, I enjoyed his touch even the feeling of his eyes piercing my soul. "Why are ye even wearin' sleeves, this is LA also known as hot as fook land." His eyes widened in realization, "Oh Mark, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean-"
I looked down at my arms wrapped with bandages and sleeves. The cuts itched and it would be unbearable if any elements seeped in. I sighed and stared right into his soul's window, "Jack, can't I enjoy looking at things, I want to sit here and bask in the beauty of the world around me. I love seeing good things, even if they should mean nothing to me, they keep me going, even if I have nothing to look forward to." Tears started to stream down my face, for what felt like the billionth time.
He put a blanket down and moved me onto it so I was sitting next to him. He held me in an embrace, making me feel like I did in the sand and I sat there listening to his comforting words.
"It's okay, shh, no need for tears now. I will find all those beautiful things and keep you here as long as I can. I'll give you something to look forward to, I'll keep you going." I wanted to look into his eyes, but restrained myself, they were the beautiful things I had needed all my life. This feeling didn't feel wrong like when I was with HIM, though I knew this wouldn't last long. It hurt to know this fact but my life sucked and I just wanted to spoil my self in this moment, just this one moment. Even if I knew that his hug and his feelings for me, if he even did feel anything for me, would end, luckily at different times. I pulled away and smiled, "Wanna play some volleyball?" He laughed and nodded his head like a goofball.

It is now sun down as we finished off our last game. "Boom! I win again!"
"Yeah, yeah, one more point to Marks winning streak."
"You still beat me at videogames, I'm just better than you in the real world."
"Wow, you are so humble and modest, what did I do to deserve the pleasure that is knowing you."
"You know you love me."
Jack blushed, "W-whatever, you love me more anyway."
It was my turn to blush as the sun set made a romantic scene along the beach. I looked into Jack's eyes, I don't know what got into me but I felt like this was the right moment. "Jack, don't hate me but I'm glad we know eachother enough to know what the other is thinking."
He looked at me completely shocked, "You mean all the love stuff..."
"Sean, I don't know why but with you I just have this warm feeling, like I'm safe and nothing can hurt me. I don't want to lose that feeling. I do l-love you. Gosh, such a relief to finally say that. Please Sean tell me you feel the same way, I know we barely know eachother but I can't lose you, I don't want to be hurt again..."
I closed my eyes and lowered my head prepared for rejection. I felt Sean's fingers under my chin lifting my head up, I opened my eyes to see my whole world reflected in his eyes. He smiled and brought my lips to his. I knew this was the right moment, and nothing could ruin it.

A/N : hey~, sorry I got busy stressing about summer homework since school starts in a week for me and I just decided to that it's not worth it. I'm just gonna take another class because I hate anything history related, I'm not doing it. Though I had all summer to do it, my life does not revolve around school. I don't care if I'm in the top 3%, I don't care if my GPA drops, why struggle for the things I don't enjoy?

Sorry I just had to rant, I'll start working on the next chapter... RIGHT NOw ~ maybe ~

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