Please Stop

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Depression isn't cool.

Anxiety isn't cute.

Self harm scars aren't beautiful.

OCD isn't funny.

Suicide isn't poetic.

Eating disorders aren't sexy.

Schizophrenia is terrifying.

Your aesthetics aren't cool at all.


I absolutely hate when someone sees something dirty and they say "their OCD is kicking in." That's not fucking OCD. That's just you wanting to clean up, totally normal.

If you touch something and think about every little germ that could possibly be on that thing- that's OCD.

If you can't sit still, distressed and crying, want to sanitize every single thing you're around- that's OCD.

If you're at someone's house and their tv is dusty, and you have this crawly feeling going through you to wipe it down- that's OCD.

When you feel the need to do something and it's the only thing you can think to do until done- that's OCD.

If you constantly get the need to or do wash your hands, make sure everything is in the same spot tidy as ever, checking doors and windows repeatedly, have a very hard time throwing stuff away is OCD.

And there is a difference between being sad and having depression.

Allow me to explain that:

Depression is feeling like you're in a slump for months, maybe even years. You feel like you're on top of the world and a few minutes later you'll feel like you're in hell (maniac depression). You wanting to be happy but not even knowing what's wrong.

You waking up fine but your day isn't going well is feeling sad. That's not depression, that's you having a bad day. 

I hate going into stores like Rue 21 and seeing clothes jokes off illnesses on them. Unless you have that, you really can't make fun of anything. That's disrespectful.

Double standards are very real in America, also. Physical problems are excused and pitied on but mental problems aren't. Why are they brushed off so easily? It's not a fucking phase, I won't get over it, if I was fine I wouldn't be crying on the verge of a breakdown. You don't have to understand what the fuck I have, have some fucking respect. Be sympathetic, don't pity me.

You don't know why people starve themselves, good. I hope you don't ever. You don't why she's crying and shaking, why she can't control herself, great. I hope you don't have to. You don't have to run a blade on yourself to feel something, anything. Amazing; I hope you never have to. You don't swallow pills or stand on bridges to find a way out, and I honestly hope you don't have.

Why would you want to?

It's so frustrating that people use diseases to fit in, it's not cool at all. I could really rant on this but I want to hear you guys' opinions on this. Or even better: say your name and what you're going through and things that help you cope. Help someone out today. Thanks a lot.

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