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Vilu's P.O.V

So the tour went on for 4 months and then the tour was over and everybody was back home

Ludmilla: Vilu do you want me to cover you so you won't see your dad??

Vilu: no i'm okay

Ludmilla: ok

So Fede,Ludmi,and I went in the house and saw dad waiting for us

German: hey welcome back!

Fede: ...

Ludmi: ...

Vilu: ...

German: you guys come on talk to me

Ludmi: Um, I have to call my label I gotta go, bye

Fede: Yeah me too bye

Vilu: I'm going to the cafe i'm meeting Leon there, bye

{Time Jump 10 minutes Vilu is at the cafe with Leon}

Vilu & Leon: I have something to tell you

Leon & Vilu: (laughed)

Vilu: You go first

Leon: Ok,Vilu i'm leaving to go to the . for my label and i'm moving there

Vilu: Leon that's great for you and the band but i have something to tell you, me,Fran, Ludmi, Naty, and Cami are moving to the U.S. too because we just got signed. 

Leon: my love that's great but did you tell your dad??

Vilu: No but i'm gonna tell him at dinner

Leon: Vilu do you wanna go to our bench I have something I need to tell you

Vilu: ok let's go

What do you think Leon has to tell Violetta comment below

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