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Leon's P.O.V

I wake with Vilu not next to me and I look everywhere

Leon: (goes in Federico's room) Fede have you seen Vilu??

Fede: no and Ludmila can't find her either 

Leon: I'll ask German

Fede: ok,I'll try to call her

Leon: ok (went to German's office)

German: hey Leon anything I can help you with??

Leon: have you seen Vilu????

German: no

Vilu's POV

I wake up tied to a chair in a abandoned house 

????: Hey Vilu!!!

Vilu: what do you want Tomas 

Tomas: Leave Leon and be with me

Vilu: I'll never ever leave Leon

Tomas: (got mad and punched her in the stomach) don't ever get me mad

Vilu: (started crying) Tomas let me go

Tomas: Tell Leon to cancel the wedding (Handed her phone to her) I'll be back in 20 minutes

Vilu: (texted Leon)

Leon's P.O.V

As I was sitting down on couch I got a text and it was Vilu


Conversation {Vilu's text will be in bold and Leon's normal}

Vilu are you ok??

No,Tomas kidnapped me

How did this happened

Well I was in the kitchen getting something to drink but Tomas came out of nowhere and that all i remember

Vilu don't worry I'll find you,but where is Tomas

He went out for a while

Ok and Vilu before Tomas gets back try to call the police

Ok,I love

I love you too

After I ended the text I called everyone in the house

German: Leon what's the matter???

Ludmi: Yeah are you ok

Leon: Vilu got kidnapped

All: (shocked)

Angie: do you know who kidnapped her

Leon: she texted me and said Tomas kidnapped her

Olga: MY POOR BABY!!! (Crying)

German: I'm gonna call the police 

Fede: i'm gonna call the boys

Ludmi: i'm gonna go call the girls

Leon: i'm gonna have a walk and try to find her

German: ok

Vilu's POV 

After I end the text I delete the text and try to call police but Tomas takes the phone from me

Tomas: sorry but I can't let you do that

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