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Vilu's P.O.V (5:00 pm)

After me and Leon babysat Nadia we went to the mall so we could get the wedding rings

Leon: um, we're here to find wedding rings

Lesa: ok follow me, how about those

Lesa: ok follow me, how about those

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Leon: I like

Vilu: me too-

Leon: Vilu are you ok??

Vilu: Leon the paparazzi are coming

Leon: um can you put those rings on hold we will come another time

Lesa: ok

Vilu: come on Leon (grabbed Leon's hand)

5 minutes later

Leon; do....you....think.....we.....lost..... them

Vilu: Leon....we...need...to...get...home....I can....see....the...Paparazzi

Leon: ok (ran with Vilu)

10 minutes later...

Leon: why...are.....they....still...following.....us

Vilu: I...don't...know...but...look...there's....the...house (ran to the house with Leon and opened the door)

Ludmi: what happened to you guys??

Leon: Paparazzi (Panting)

Angie: Let me get you some water (went to get some water)

Leon: (sat down with Vilu)

Angie: here you go

Vilu: thanks

Leon: Thanks

Fede: (came in) um guys there's paparazzi outside

Vilu: what!!!

Fede: Yep I had to get in by the back door

Leon: well we can't just hide in the house forever so lets just see what they

Vilu: Leon's right (opened the door)

Leon: Hello

Paparazzi #1: is it true you guys are getting married??

Leon: yes

Paparazzi #3: are you guys really moving to the U.S ??

Vilu: yes

After asking a lot of questions, the paparazzi finally left and it was time for dinner,After we ate we went to our rooms.

Vilu's Room...

Leon: today was a tiring day

Vilu: I know

Leon: well at least the paparazzi left and we can sleep

Vilu: yeah,well good night Leon

Leon: goodnight!! (Layed down next to Vilu)

Vilu: (put her head on Leon's chest)

I was supposed to update yesterday but something happened to my computer and I was going crazy with out it but my sister fixed and at 7:30 today I will update again

Amani <3

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