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2 hours till the wedding

Leon's P.O.V

As me and the guys we're playing music we realized that we had to get ready

Leon: guys we need to get ready

Fede: OK

1 hour later

As we we're getting ready my mom called me

Mrs. Vargas: Leon make sure you have the rings

Leon: ok

Mrs. Vargas: oh and Leon, Violetta is going to look so beautiful in her wedding dress!!

Leon: ok well I gotta go, bye mom

Mrs. Vargas: bye Leon

Vilu's P.O.V

As me and the girls we're doing our makeup Olga had brought us some fruit salads

Girls: thanks Olga!

Olga: anytime girls

Angie: (came) girls, you have 30 minutes to get dress

Vilu: ok

After we all finished doing our makeup we got in our dresses and went downstairs

German: Girls you look very beautiful

Girls: thanks

Angie: Vilu you look just like your mother

Vilu: thanks Angie

As we got downstairs we went in the limo

Leon's P.O.V

As I went down the aisle I saw my parents looking at me very happy then I saw the guys coming down the aisle with the girls then Fran came, then the kids came putting flowers on the floor then I heard the song that Violetta will be coming down the aisle with

Vilu's P.O.V

As I heard our way I grabbed my dads arm with my left hand and my flowers in my right, as I was walking down the aisle I saw Leon looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes

Leon's P.O.V

As Vilu got to me German smiled at me

German: take care of her Leon

Leon: I will sir

Priest: we are gathered here to today celebrate Violetta Castillo and Leon Vargas, does anyone rejects or hold  your piece farther more, Leon Vargas do you take Violetta Castillo as your lovely wedding wife, in sickness and health, and riches or poor??

Leon: I do

Priest: Do you Violetta Castillo take Leon Vargas as your husband, in sickness and health, riches or poor?

Vilu: I do

Priest: by the power vested  in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride  as me and Vilu kissed everyone clapped

After the reception was wondering over me and Violetta went to the airport and got on a private jet, the thing is Violetta doesn't know where we're going

Well guys this is the end of the book  so you'll have to wait till Sunday to read the first chapters of the squeal.

- Amani 

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