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Vilu's P.O.V

As I woke I took a shower, then I called the girls and they will be here in 20 minutes, so I got in my robe and went downstairs to eat breakfast

Angie: good morning wedding girl (smiled)

Vilu: morning

Olga: morning Violetta, I made your favorite breakfast!!!

Vilu: thanks you Olga

Ludmi: (came) hey Vilu

Vilu: hey Ludmi

As me and Ludmi we're talking we heard the door ring

Ludmi: I'll get it (opens the door)

As Ludmilla opened the door the girls came in with their dresses, makeup,and shoes

Francesca: hey

Vilu: come in the living room so we can set up in here

10 minutes later

Federico: what's happening in here??

Ludmilla: Federico we're getting ready for the wedding

Federico: but the wedding doesn't start for another 5 hours

Vilu: Fede its take time to look prefect

Federico: ok,well i'm going to Leon's house

Vilu: ok bye

Leon's house

Leon's P.O.V

Maxi: Leon are we getting ready now??

Leon: no,we're just hanging out for a bit

Federico: good

Leon: why

Fede: the girls transformed living room into a salon

Leon: ok then

Broduey: look Cami just send me a picture of them

Maxi: what happened to that room


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