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 Vilu's P.O.V  

Ludmi: Vilu you look amazing!!

Vilu: thanks,so did you guys pick out a dress??

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Vilu: thanks,so did you guys pick out a dress??

Fran: no

Fede: we are trying to find one

Vilu: ok let me get out of this dress and then i'm going to help

Cami: ok fine by me

5 minutes later..

Vilu: ok lets find a dress

Fran: ok

Fede: Ludmi what about this one???

Ludmi: no

Vilu: girls what about this one???

Fran: I think i'm in love

Cami&Naty: Me too

Ludmi: Me three

Vilu: ok I'll pay for the dresses and just wait outside

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Vilu: ok I'll pay for the dresses and just wait outside

Fran: I'll stay here 

Vilu: ok

Fede: ok bye girls

Fran: bye

After the guys left Fran and Vilu went to pay for the dresses

Vilu: i'm gonna text Leon to tell him to wait for me with the other guys

Fran: ok

Ms.Heart: Violetta do you want to pay for these dresses

Violetta: yes, but can you hold on to it till Monday

Ms.Heart: sure

Vilu: thanks

After  Fran and I payed for the dresses we went to meet the other guys

Leon: hey my love

Vilu: Hey

Fede: is anyone hungry???

Leon: I am

Vilu: me too

Maxi: ok lets go get something to eat

All: ok 

So we all went to a restaurant and got a table and sat down

Vilu: Cami do you know what the cake looks like??

Cami: um yes here's a picture 

Cami: um yes here's a picture 

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Vilu&Leon: I like it!!

Leo&Vilu: stop!!

Vilu&Leon: stop

Vilu: we need to stop doing that

Leon: i know

Vilu's phone started ringing

Vilu: (on the phone) Hello 

German:(on the other line) Vilu can you put me on the speaker

Vilu: ok (put German on the speaker) dad your on the speaker

German: Federico,violetta

Fede: yes dad

Vilu: dad are you ok

German: your going to have a brother or a sister

Vilu: wait is Angie's pregnant???

German: yes she is 

Vilu: ok is that it??

German: um no

Vilu: what is it

German: do you remember me saying that I had a sister

Vilu: no

German: well my sister Sophia is coming over today so she can meet you and Federico, again

Fede: wait what do you mean again

German: well she was your babysitter when you guys were little

Vilu: ok we will be there in a hour

German: bye

Vilu: bye (hung up)

Fede: wow

Vilu: ok,when we get home i'm going to ask my dad do we have anymore family

Fede: ok

After we ate me,Leon,Ludmi,and Fede went to my house while the rest of our friends went home

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