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Leon's P.O.V

I wake up facing Vilu she's so cute when she's sleeping,I get up and take a shower then get dress after I get dress I wake up Vilu.

Leon: Vilu wake up

Vilu: (sleeping)

Leon: ok I have no choice wake up or no kisses for a week

Vilu: (wakes up) I'm awake 

Leon: Good morning

Vilu: morning

Leon: Vilu go take a shower we have to be at the studio in an hour

Vilu: ok (gets up and gets her clothes and goes to the bathroom)

Vilu's P.O.V

After I take a shower I get dress than me and Leon have breakfast with Ludmi, Fede, Angie,and Dad.

Ludmi: Angie me and Fede were wondering if we could go to the studio with you guys

Angie: sure

Fede: ok

when we were talking I heard running and it was Emma and Jack

Emma & Jack: Vilu!!! (ran to Vilu)

Vilu: Hey guys

Jack: Vilu can you take us with you????

Vilu: Angie can they come???? maybe Fede and Ludmi can watch them

Angie: ok fine by me

Ludmi: I don't mine

Fede: I don't mine either 

Vilu: ok you guys can come

Emma: Yay!!!

After me and Leon got the kids dressed me,Leon,Fede,Angie,&Ludmi went to the studio with the kids

At the studio....

Leon: I can't wait to go to dance class

Vilu: Me too but this time we'll be teaching

Leon: well lets go

After we said bye to the kids,Ludmi,Fede,and Angie we went to dance class 

Leon: Hi guys 

Students: Hi

Vilu: Leon what song should we pick

Leon: how about we grew together

Vilu: ok (turns on music)

Leon: ok and 5...6...7...8

30 minutes later...

Vilu: good guys that was amazing

Student 1: Since you guys went to the studio is the dance teacher nice??

Leon: well he changed but he's mean,well look at the time you guys have to go to your next class

3:00 pm

Leon: i'm tired

Vilu: me too lets go get the guys then I can take a nap,then babysit Nadia

Leon: ok

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