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Vilu: Leon can you sleep over ??

Leon: sure my love 

Vilu:  Leon when do you want to have the wedding ??

Leon: how about in two weeks so we can go on our honeymoon then we have to weeks left to pack.

Vilu: ok so lets do the catering , invitations ,where we want the wedding to be tomorrow 

Leon: ok but for now lets get some rest


Leon: (Just woke up and looks at Vilu) Aww she's so cute when she sleeps

Vilu:  (Talks in her sleep) I love you Leon 

Leon: Aww she's so sweet (Kisses here on the nose)

Vilu: (wakes up) good morning

Leon: (laughs) good morning

Vilu: what's so funny

Leon: um let me guess you talk in your sleep but it was cute

Vilu: wait what did i say???

Leon: only that you love me

Vilu: Well I always dream of you

Leon: Aww I love you 

Vilu: I love you too

Leon: Vilu do you wanna go get the invitations and do the catering 

Vilu: sure but lets get dress first 

Leon: ok but i have to go to my house so i will see you in 20 mins ok

Vilu: ok bye

So Leon left and I went to go take a shower,after I took a shower and got dress and she went to go to Ludmi's room

Vilu: (knocked on her door and she opened it and came in)

Ludmi: hey vilu, me,Fede,Angie,and your dad are going out to have breakfast do you and Leon wanna come?? oh and Olga and Romallo just went on vaction.

Vilu: no thank you, Leon and I have prepare the wedding 

Ludmi: ok but why did you come in here ??

Vilu: oh can i use your lipstick

Ludmi: here you go

Vilu: thanks (Puts lipstick on)

Vilu: ok bye ludmi

10 minutes later...

Vilu: {phone rings} Hello

Leon: my love i'm in at your house

Vilu: ok i'm coming (hangs up the phone)

Vilu: (comes downstairs put someone knocks her out)

???: (ties her up)

Leon: (comes from the kitchen and see's vilu tied up in a chair knocked out and he also see's...)


I know I haven't been updating alot but I had lots of things to do so don't be made i try to update as much as I can so tomorrow I will try to make  4 or more chapters ,enough about me but who do you think who tied up vilu comment below and don't forget to vote.


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