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Leon and I walked in the house and saw all of our friends waiting for us

Leon&Vilu: Hi guys !!

All: Hi!!

Leon: me and Vilu have something to tell you, well actually two things

Vilu: Well our labels called and they said that if we still want to be on the label then we have to move to the U.S

Leon: if you say no sit down and if you say yes stand up

Everyone: (stood up)

Vilu: looks like were moving to the U.S  and guys were leaving in 6 weeks so after we have dinner you guys can all leave and then start packing!!

Fran: Um Vilu whats the other surprise 

Vilu: well this surprise ,my dad has to accept or not accept

Leon: me and Vilu are getting married!!


Vilu: dad are going to say something??

German: ok I give you my blessing

Vilu: thank you dad 

Leon:  yeah thank you mr.German

German: call me dad 

Leon: ok dad

Vilu: who want to be my bridesmaids!!

Naty,Ludmilla,&Cami: Me!!

Vilu: ok that was easy,Fran would you be my maid of honor??

Fran: of course!!

After dinner everyone left and went home

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