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Leon's P.O.V (Friday morning)

I was home watching T.V when my phone started ringing and it was Federico so I answered it.

Leon:(on the phone) Hello?

Fede:(on the other line) Leon,whats up??

Leon: nothing,why??

Fede: since we are moving to Hollywood,I brought a house for me and Ludmila and I thought you and all our friends should buy their own houses like, you and Vilu, Fran and Diego,Maxi and Naty,Cami and Broduey,and Andres and Hannah.

Leon: that sound like a good Idea

Fede: are you gonna tell Vilu??

Leon: Yeah, but I'll just tell her that we are moving in a house but I want it to be a surprise and did you tell the other guys??

Fede: Yeah

Leon: oh,maybe we can all live next to each other !!!!

Fede: we all can because there's like 5 other house right next to each other and there for sale

Leon: ok, well I'll see you later cause we all have to get our suits and the girls have to get their dresses

Fede: ok see you later

Leon: bye

Fede: bye (hung up)

After Fede hangs up I go in the kitchen and eat breakfast,then I went to get dress. After I got dress I went to Vilu's house.

Leon: (rang the doorbell)

Vilu: (opened the door) hi Leon,come in

Leon:Hey princess I need to ask you something (came in)

Vilu: what is it

Leon: Fede called me and the other guys,and he said he brought a house for him and Ludmila and he said that we all should buy a house with our girlfriends,and i said it would be cool if we live next to each other,and he also said that there were 5 house right next to his that were for sale that all of our friends and us can move in.

Vilu: That would be great so when are we gonna get a house and do all of the girls know??

Leon: Yes the girls do know and the house I brought is a surprise.

Vilu: okay, fine but we have to get to the mall the guys are waiting for us.

Leon: okay lets go

Vilu's P.O.V

20 Minutes later...

As we walked to the mall,we saw our friends in front of a shop so we went to them.

Vilu: Hey guys!!

Fran: Hey Vilu,are you ready to try on the dresses

Vilu: yes

Ludmilla: okay boys you can go to a suit shop and we'll go to a bridal shop.

Fede: okay bye

Girls: bye

10 minutes later...

Naty: Finally we found the shop

Cami: I know, right (went in with the girls)

Ms.Heart: Hello my name is Ms.Heart ,may how i help you??

Vilu: Hi Ms.Heart I'm looking for a wedding dress.

Ms.Heart ok I'll help you pick some dresses while you guys pick out the brides maids dresses

Ludmi: okay,that'll be easy come on girls

Vilu: okay remember that you have to wear the same dress

Ludmi: ok

10 minutes later...

with the girls

Cami: I don't like that dress

Fran: me neither

Ludmi: you guys have no fashion sense, it's pretty

Naty: um, Ludmi are you ok that dress is ugly

Ludmi: no what I can't take this anymore bye!!

With the boys..

Leon: guys how about this one

Maxi: I like it

Broduey & Fede: Me too

Diego: Me three!!

Fede: wait is that Ludmila

Maxi: yeah I think it is


Ludmi: yes Fede?

Fede: what's wrong,why aren't you with the girls???

Ludmi: well they didn't like the dresses I picked out

Diego: well didn't Vilu say you guys have to choose a dress together

Ludmi: yes but we can't agree

Fede: but where's Vilu

Ludmi: she's picking out a wedding dress

Broduey: how bout we come with you and help

Leon: Yeah but I would come,but Vilu said I can't see the dress

Ludmi: ok but Diego,Broduey,Maxi and Fede come with me

Andres: hey what about me???

Ludmi: how about you stay with Leon and pick out the suits

Andres: ok fine by me

Leon: ok just text me when we can all meet up

Fede: okay bye

5 minutes later...

Fran: where's Ludmila

Ludmi: i'm right here and I brought your boyfriends to knock some sense into you

Maxi: no we are not going to do that,we are going to help pick out a dress and if you guys don't like them you are going to wear the dresses from German and Angie's wedding

Ludmi: (gasped) you wouldn't dare

Diego: I would!!!

5 minutes later...

Vilu: (came out the a wedding dress on)

All: WOW!!!

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