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Doctor: Violetta is in a coma

All: ....

Angie: (Broke the silence) d-do you know when she's gonna wake up??

doctor: all we know is she's in a short coma so she might wake up in a week or even 3 weeks but you can she her now. { she left}

Leon: can i see Vilu first

All: sure

Leon: (walked in and sat on a chair beside her)

Leon: hey my love I wish you were here now but don't worry I'll visit everyday till you wake up and we can postpone the wedding and the trip just for you, I love you princess don't forget that. (kissed her on the lips then left)

After everyone visited Vilu we all went home

Leon's P.O.V

I just got home from visiting Vilu and I see my parents on the couch waiting for me

Mrs.Vargas: Leon where have you been ??

Leon: well two days ago I proposed to Vilu then i spend the night at her house, then i went home to go change so we can go prepare for the wedding and our labels called so all our friends and me and Vilu are moving to the us but...

Mr.Vargas: but what Leon

Leon: (trying to hold back his tears) she's in a-a c-c-coma

Mrs.Vargas: Leon look it's going to be okay just try to be happy for her

Leon: okay mom ,well i'm going to bed goodnight

Mrs & Mr Vargas: goodnight

Ludmi's P.O.V (Morning)

Ludmi: (on the phone) Naty did you hear ??

Naty: (on the other line) hear what??

Ludmi: Violetta is in a coma

Naty: how, did she fall or something

Ludmi: well Leon told us he was waiting outside the back door and he said she was coming to the backdoor when Tomas hit her with a vase and he tied her up so Leon came in and punched Tomas a lot and untied Vilu,then he called the police and took her to the hospital.

Naty: why would Tomas do that??

Ludmi: I don't know, well Naty do you want to come to the hospital to see Vilu, you can bring Maxi to.

Naty: okay meet you there, okay bye

Ludmi: bye (Hangs up phone)

Naty's P.O.V

Naty: MAXI!!!

Maxi: yes Naty

Naty: do you want go to the hospital with Ludmi??

Maxi: why??

Naty: because Vilu's in a coma

Maxi: how did that happen

Naty: well short story Tomas hit her with a vase

Maxi: why would he do that???

Naty: I don't know but lets get to the hospital before visiting hours are over

Maxi: ok but I'll drive

Naty: okay

So Maxi and I went to hospital to visit Vilu

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