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Vilu's  P.O.V

As soon as Leon,Ludmi,Fede and I got to the house someone hugged me,I thought it was Olga but it was someone else.

???: Vilu you got so big!!!

Vilu: let me guess your my Aunt Sophia 

Sophia: yep,where's Fede

Fede: i'm right here

Sophia: you look so handsome (Hugged Fede)

Vilu: um dad do we have any other family???

German:um,you have 2 aunts,2uncles,and 10 cousins 

Vilu: wow

German:um Sophia this is Ludmila she's Federico's girlfriend and this is Leon Violetta's fiance

Sophia: nice to meet you

Leon: nice to meet you too

Ludmi: nice to meet you

when we were talking we heard shouting


Vilu: Olga are you ok??

Olga: No Ramallo left

Leon: why did he leave

Olga: I told him that if he wanted to be with me he had to marry me

German: Olga really again!!!

Olga: what??

Vilu: Olga you know how he is about his personal space,maybe he isn't ready

Olga: But I've been waiting since you two were born

Vilu: ok um Olga how about me and Leon take you too the studio to see Angie

Olga: ok

Me and Leon walked Olga to the studio to see Angie

Pablo: hey guys what are you doing here

Leon: we need to see Angie 

Pablo: ok well she's in her classroom

Vilu: ok thanks (walked to Angie's classroom)

Angie: kids re- oh hi Vilu,Leon,and Olga what are you doing

Leon: well Olga is upset about Ramallo again

Angie: ok I'll talk to her but can you two watch the class

Vilu: sure

After Angie left to go talk with Angie we went in the classroom

Student #1: no way your Violetta Castillo and Leon Vargas

Violetta: that us

Student #2: can you guys sing something????

Leon: sure

{Song at the top}

everyone clapped then Pablo came

Pablo: Hey guys I know you guys are leaving in a couple of weeks but I was wondering if you and Leon could teach the dance lessons because Gregorio is on a trip and you guys were the best students I ever had

Vilu: well the wedding isn't till next Monday so i'm in!!

Leon: Me too

Pablo: when can you guys start??

Leon: tomorrow 

Pablo: ok see you tomorrow{Leaves}

Student #1: wow you guys are going to be dance teachers

Vilu: yep

Angie: (came in) Guys I just heard the news you guys are going to be the dance teachers for next week

Leon: yep,um where's Olga???

Angie: well I told here she needs to talk to Ramallo so she just left

Vilu: well we'll see you tomorrow because dad has Aunt Sophia over

Angie: ok see you later you two

Vilu: bye (left with Leon)

Leon: Vilu my parents wants to takes us out for dinner

Vilu: ok what time 

Leon: 7:30

Vilu: ok see you later and thanks for dropping me off

Leon: no problem,I love you

Vilu: I love you too (went in the house)

German: Vilu where's Olga??

Olga: i'm right here and I was just going shopping for dinner and I went to Ramallo's house to say sorry

German: ok

Vilu: um dad I won't be here for dinner

German: why???

Vilu: I'm having dinner with Leon and his parents

German: ok well what time is Leon picking you up??

Vilu: 7:30 

German: (looks at his watch) well it's 7:00 so you better hurry

Vilu: ok bye (went upstairs)

10 Minutes Later...

Vilu: I can't find anything to where 

Ludmi: (Knocks on door)

Vilu: come in

Ludmi: (came in Vilu's room and looked around) what happen in here??

Vilu: I have nothing to wear and Leon has pick me up less than 20 minutes

Ludmi: wait here I have the perfect outfit (went back to her room)

10 minutes later...

Ludmi: here (gave Vilu a dress and shoes)

Vilu: I love it thanks

Ludmi: your welcome 

Ludmi: your welcome 

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