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Leon's P.O.V 

I can't believe the Love of my life finally woke up!!

Leon: my love your awake !! {hugged her}

Doctor: {came in} violetta how are you feeling ???

Vilu: i'm fine

Doctor: well we have to run some tests to make sure your okay, so Leon can you leave so we can run the tests??

Leon: okay, bye my love (kissed her on the cheek)

German's P.O.V 

German: nurse do you know what room Violetta Castillo is in ???

nurse: she's in room 234

German: thank you

So Angie,Federico,Ludmila,and I went to Vilu's room and saw Leon sitting outside

German: Leon is Vilu ok ??

Leon: yes,she just woke up the doctor is just checking her health

doctor: (came out the door)  you can see Violetta now, her health is fine and she may go home but you have to fill out some papers first at the front desk.

Angie: German lets go fill out those papers.

German: okay (left with Angie)

Leon: lets go see Vilu guys

Fede&Ludmi: okay

We walked into her room and we saw her there

Ludmi: hey Vilu!! (Hugged her)

Vilu: hey Ludmi, hi Fede (hugged Fede & Ludmi)

Fede: hey

Ludmi: { texting Fran}

Vilu: Ludmi what are you doing ?

Ludmi: well i'm not texting Fran what's going in your life

Fran& Cami: (opened the door) We came as soon as Ludmi texted me that you were awake

Vilu: (Looked at Ludmi) oh really??

German&Angie: +came in)

Angie: hi girls!!!

Fran&Cami: Hi !!

German: oh Violetta you can go home now so get dress and call when your ready

Violetta: ok but i don't have any clothes 

Ludmi: Oh here you go 

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