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Vilu's P.O.V

After I got dress I heard the doorbell rang so I went down to get

Vilu: I'LL GET IT!!!{opened the door} hey Leon!!

Leon: V-Vil-u y-o-u l-l-o-k  a-a-m-a-a-z-i-i-n-n-g (stared at her)

Vilu: Leon are you ok??

Leon: ;stared at her)

Vilu: um Leon are you there

Leon: (kept staring)

Vilu: Leon if you don't stop staring,then you won't get kisses till the wedding

Leon: (snapped out of it) um...lets go

Vilu: finally 

20 minutes later...

As we entered the restaurant we saw Leon's Parents Lily and Liam  so we walked over to them

Lily: hey guys how are you

Vilu: well besides Leon staring at me for the past 10 minutes,I'm fine you

Lily: i'm fine thanks,Leon how are you??

Leon: (staring at Vilu)

Liam: is Leon ok??

Vilu: wait I got this,Leon if you don't talk you won't get kisses for 5 months

Leon: oh i'm fine,dad how are you

Liam: fine thanks son

Manger: what do you mean the singer cancelled 

waiter: she's sick

Manger: well were am supposed to get a singer at last minute

Leon: Vilu wanna go sing

Vilu: sure (went to the manger with Leon)

Leon: sorry but we heard your conversation and we we're thinking we could sing 

waiter: wait aren't you guys Leon Vargas and Violetta Castillo 

Vilu: yes that's us

Manger:  you guys want to sing!!

Leon: yep

Manger: ok get on stage

Vilu: ok

as Leon and I got on stage everyone's eyes were on us

Leon: (whispers) what song should we sing

Vilu: (whispers back) how about our way

Leon: ok

Vilu: (start singing)

After we finished singing we got off stage and went back to our table and by the time we got there our food was already there.

Lily: the food got here just in time

Leon; i'm so hungry

Vilu: Leon your always hungry

30 minutes later...

As we payed for the bill my phone started ringing so I answered it

Vilu: (on the phone with German) yes dad

German: (on the other line) Vilu do you remember your Aunt Olivia

Vilu: yeah why

German: remember her kids you babysat

Vilu: Jack and Emma right??

German: yeah and she has another baby girl named Nadia and I was wondering can you babysit Nadia and Federico and Ludmila will babysit Jack and Emma 

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