Dinitri's Secret Desire |W

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Dimitri's Secret Desire (Completed)
By Writer 20161
Synopsis |

After being cheated on and abandoned,Alpha Dimitri refuses to ever love another woman again. He daughters,Sage and Sara, watch as it's consequences start to worsen over the years. When it gets to the point that he's that he's known has the heartless Alpha,once again they seek a solution. Their solution comes in the form of a beautiful woman named Rosalie.

"I do desire something...",he whispered in a husky voice,trying to escape the pull.

She smirked and pressed herself against him,knowing the effect she had in him,"And,tell me Alpha,what is your secret desire?"

"You'll never know."

"Oh,I think I know.",she murmured,running her hand down his arms.

"It's not you."
Review |

(Skip rant to actual review)

First off I don't like the cover. To me it's too sexual. I got this book off a reading list like I always do and I added it because why not. When I'm adding books to my library I usually add a lot and then slowly go through them.

If I can't stand a book I just delete it. I know I should leave some constructive criticism to help, but I feel like it's rude to do that even when you're just trying to help. One thing I could not stand about this book was in the beginning how everyone was introducing themselves. "Name is Dimitri, but you can all me Alpha Black." "Name is..." "Name is..." I was seriously getting annoyed.

Good thing all the introductions were in the beginning of the book. I just hate when people say "Name is___","Surname,First name,Surname",or "But you can call me___" Excuse me no one says that and if they do they're getting an eye roll or a hit in the back of the head. What is so hard about saying my name is___? You're not cool and your bitch ass is definitely not James Bond.

Also if you want me to call you by a certain name just introduce yourself has that name. Say your name is Arabella, but you like to be called Ella. Than just say my name is Ella. Don't waste our time because you want to sound cool. You make yourself out to be annoying and have a strike by your name within the first five minutes of meeting you.

Anyway stupid rant aside this book is pretty good. The writer hasn't edited it yet, but it's not that bad. The writer had to address the fact that there are so many twins because people were getting bugged about it. The writer's right though,having twins runs in families. Having multiple twins is possible.

Usually that bugs me, but it's mainly in those 'my parents died/my house burned and I have to live with a whole bunch of hot guys' stories. The only thing that bugged me about the twins is that the writer introduced one later in the story when all the brothers have already been introduced. They even said that Dimitri is the baby of the family, but when his twin pops into the picture he's not. Another thing is that they talk about the notorious three Alpha brothers, but the new twin makes four. And they say how they all have different packs,however they never address the twin's standing and the brothers are away from their packs a lot.


You made it this far now let's get to the actual review...

Dimitri and Rosalie (Rose) have both been rejected by their mates. Dimitri's abandoned him and his twin daughters and Rose was rejected by her mate and pack. What I do like about Rose's part is that the reason she went rogue is because she finally proved her innocence to the pack and stood up to them and told them that they disgust her and that she doesn't want to see them ever again. (😡Two and's.😡) She told them straight to their faces that they should be ashamed of themselves because they've known her her while life and they easily turned they're back on her because of a rumor. What I like about Dimitri's side is that he never took his pain out in his daughters.

He always made sure that they knew they were loved. (She left with her boyfriend when they were five and disowned them has her daughters.) The problem with him is that he became cruel to all others. It got to the point where he has reputation for being a feared Alpha. The daughters don't like what is happening and want to help him fall in love again. (They're sixteen now.) They just don't know how. Then stumbles in Rose.

It's a good book and has a second one already published, but not completed.
Next in series
-Dimitri's Promise
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