(1) Massage - KomaHina

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Non-despair, modern life, in their late-20's. Fluff!

Work was killing Hinata, almost literally. He had thousands of knots, which he was sure wasn't healthy, so he decided to treat himself for once. That's why he found himself at a massage clinic.

Entering the building, he went to the front desk to discuss his appointment that was in a few minutes. At the table was someone Hinata could only describe as royal. He had to wonder what a girl that pretty was doing working at a clinic instead of as a model. Whatever, I'm not here to judge people on their job choices. The woman noticed him and spoke up.

"Hello, sir! What can I do for you today?" What a nice smile.

The male smiled back. "Hi. I'm Hajime Hinata, here for my 6:30 appointment."

"Alright, let me check... Ah, it says here you didn't specify if you wanted a masseur or a masseuse? We just gave you our masseur who was free at that time."

"Oh, that's because I didn't mind which I got, so that's fine. It's just someone giving me a massage, right? So I thought, y'know, why'd it matter if it's a guy or girl?" Hinata nervously chuckled to somehow make his decision less awkward. Surprisingly, the blonde laughed along.

"Why yes, I agree! We are all indeed human. Then, if you would, sir, please go to room 102 and your therapist should be there. Have a relaxing day!"

"Thank you... Um..." The man looked for a nametag.

"It's Nevermind."

"Oh, then that's okay. Thanks, and have a nice day, miss." I guess she just doesn't like giving out her name... Hinata started towards the room while the receptionist gave a confused look and a wave.

Arriving at the door with '102' over it, he knocked to make sure there wasn't already an appointment in there. The door opened and he was greeted with a pale man, who had quite the mess of white hair. Now this is someone who should be a model. Wait, no, stop Hinata, that's gay.

"Oh hello, sir! You must be my customer for this evening. My name is Nagito Komaeda, and I am glad to be serving you today. If you would like, you can come in and start undressing."

A slight blush dusted the brunette's face. Oh my god why does he want me to undre- wait goddammit that's right this is a massage clinic nothing is wrong with wearing only a towel... Stupid, stupid, stupid. He stepped in and made his way towards the bed-table... thing. "Okay, thanks. My name's Hajime Hinata, by the way, if it matters at all." Sitting down, he started to undress.

The albino looked confused. "Um, haha, usually patients ask me to leave while they strip... But if it's okay with you, then I don't mind. I'll just turn away." Hinata just keeps weirding people out, doesn't he.

After saying 'sorry', 'I'm so stupid', and 'this must be awkward, right?' multiple times and changing, Hinata finally said he was ready and laid down on his front as instructed.

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