Punishment - KarmaGisa

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Smut warning!

School had just ended for the day, and everyone was in their same groups. Karma, Itona, Terasaka, and his gang were chatting - Nagisa and Kayano were hanging out - Maehara and Isogai were joking with each other, etc. Nothing was out of the ordinary to anyone...

Except to Karma. His focus was not on the friends in front of him; it was on the blue-haired boy with Kayano. The bubbly girl was giggling with Nagisa and talking about sweets, which was normal, but Nagisa was also blushing and averting his gaze from hers.

This upset Karma, for some reason. He was in a relationship with Nagisa, but he was always lax when it came to who he hung out with. It was the expression Nagisa held that made him jealous. He had to confront him about it.

The red-haired male relaxedly smiled at his group of friends, excusing himself from the conversation to move towards Nagisa. As he made it there, he grabbed the other's arm and tugged him away from the room and into Karasuma's office, Kayano whining at him while Nagisa was extremely confused.

Locking the door, Karma turned to Nagisa with crossed arms and furrowed brows. "What was that about?"

Nagusa looked at him in bewilderment. "I could ask you the same thing, Karma..."

He threw his hands up in frustration. "You were acting shy with Kayano and blushing! What the hell, 'Gisa?!"

Nagisa's eyes widened, then immediately shut as he chuckled nervously. "Ah, that? Kayano-chan was joking about if we were together. She said she would make me sweets everyday and that made me embarrassed."

Karma grew more jealous, walking towards him. "And you let her? You know you and I are dating!"

Nagisa was slightly shocked and flustered as he was backed into Karasuma's desk by his lover. "Ah, I'm... sorry? I didn't see much of a deal with it at the time... I thought it was friendly teasing."

Karma set a hand on Nagisa's hip, the other holding up his chin as he brought their faces closer. "Friendly teasing? Well I'm going to show her that she can't friendly tease you anymore. And I'm going teach you that you can't just accept her advances..." He roughly kissed the other, sticking his tongue through his lips without waiting.

Nagisa's face turned red as he closed his eyes and moaned into the kiss, opening his mouth more for Karma's willing.

The taller male moved his hand from the other's hip, down to undo both of their zippers. He released Nagisa's chin and broke the kiss, going lower to move his shirt collar and suck on his neck as he pulled down Nagisa's pants and the cloth beneath them.

Nagisa gasped and shuddered at the sucking and sudden cold. "K-Karma... In here?!" He harshly whispered.

Karma trailed his kisses up his jaw, whispering in his ear as he lightly trailed a finger along Nagisa's length. "If we get caught, it will just serve as more punishment for you~ Now, turn around and place your hands on the desk."

Nagisa whined at the light touches on his dick, slowly nodding and turning his back to the other as he put his hands on the desk, bending over a bit. He looked over his shoulder with lidded eyes to watch what Karma did.

The latter pulled his own pants far enough to reveal his member, looking Nagisa in the eyes as he licked his hand and placed it on his dick to lubricate himself.

Nagisa turned a deep crimson at this point, looking at him in underlying horror and lust. "You're going to p-put it in... without preparation...?"

Karma smirked and leaned over him when he found himself suitably slick, his cheeks flushed pink as well as he kissed the back of the blue-haired boy's neck. "For your main punishment. But tell me if it actually hurts too much, okay? I don't want to damage you..." He looked at the other softly.

Nagisa shivered and pushed his ass towards Karma, nodding as he slipped into his snake-like enthusiasm. "I want it... Karma, fuck me and teach me a lesson~"

It was Karma's turn to become red at the statement, kissing Nagisa's cheek and lining himself up with his entrance. He slowly went forward, biting his lip at the tight warmth.

Nagisa turned his head forward and clenched his eyes, his mouth slack in a silent gasp of pleasured pain as he was filled with the other. "K-Karma..."

It took a few minutes of adjusting due to no previous preparation. Karma was holding Nagisa's hips as the latter let out a shaky breath, looking back at Karma again to signify he was ready.

The redhead nodded and slowly pulled out almost all the way, watching as Nagisa squirmed and whined in front of him. "P-put it back in, Karma-!"

He smirked, regaining his haughty composure as he roughly thrusted back in and lowly groaned. Nagisa let out a loud moan, pushing back against him as drool formed on his lips. "M-more!"

"Of course~" Karma began to push in and out at a steady pace, making sure to occasionally hit the bundle of nerves that made the other a mess. The smaller male keened and whined with each thrust, arching his back and stretching his arms on the desk, trying to avoid getting his precum on any of Karasuma's papers. "Harder Karma, harder!"

"F-fuck, 'Gisa..." Karma growled as he obliged, thrusting as deep as he could, the experience becoming less of a punishment and more of a reward. It never seemed to be a punishment in the first place, in fact. Nagisa just chose to play along.

The blue-haired boy pushed back even more, following the rhythms of Karma's thrusts as he felt himself become closer to his peak. "I'm going... to... Ahh~!" He came with a moan, his cum splattering on himself and the wood of the desk as his arms struggled to support him.

"Nagisa~!" The tightening of the heat around him caused Karma to come immediately after, the hot liquid squeezing its way out around him as he filled Nagisa to the brink. He leaned on the other a bit to catch his breath, gently pulling out.

Nagisa sighed and slightly squirmed at the feeling of the cum running down his leg, blushing at the mess he made of himself and the side of the desk. "W-we should clean this up, Karma... Karasuma-sensei is going to get upset."

The redhead hummed and rolled his eyes, turning Nagisa around to give him a soft kiss. "Okay, okay... Luckily he keeps tissues in here~" He snickered and grabbed a few, wiping Nagisa's stomach and ass, himself, and the desk. Nagida nodded, pulling up his pants as he continued to blush. "Th-thanks..."

Karma pulled his pants up as well, giving him another kiss. "Mhm~ Did you learn your lesson?" He smirked.

Nagisa smirked back and rolled his eyes lightheartedly. "Yes. If I flirt with other people or they flirt with me, then I get to be fucked by you. I'll be sure it happens more often." He stuck his tongue out as Karma flicked his forehead and chuckled.

"You dick."

Nagisa hummed, grabbing his hands. "Ah, but you love this dick~"

Karma laughed, holding his hands back. "You say that like you're the one fucking me in this relationship."

Nagisa smiled and leaned up to kiss him. "Maybe one day... You've already seen what I'm capable of in battle~"

"I'll look forward to it~" The other gave him a peck back, leading him to the door and unlocking it to peek out of the room. All the students had gone home, but Korosensei sat in front of the door with his pink face and wide smile. The two didn't hesitate in attempting to kill him.

After a while of endless assassination attempts, the duo just gave up and ran outside the school, holding hands. Karma spoke up, smiling down at Nagisa. "Wanna spend the night at my place?"

The other nodded and slightly smiled back, squeezing his hand. "Ah, sure... I'd really like that. Thanks, Karma."

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