Bunny - KomaHina

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For Kiboudere~
Takes place after the Future Arc, but Hinata went to work for Naegi, so Komaeda went with him because they're dating. Smut.

Hinata sat in his car, humming as he drove back to the house that he and Komaeda shared. Said male had told him that he had a surprise in celebration of Hinata's new job, and that he should come home immediately after he finished his work for the day.

Interestingly enough, Komaeda had mentioned wanting them to buy a pet ever since they got off the island, so Hinata wondered if that might be the surprise. However, he pushed the thought out of his mind, not wanting to expect anything so he was truly astonished.

Meanwhile, Komaeda laid on their shared bed, pushing his fingers in and out of himself with gasps and whines escaping his mouth. He donned black thigh-highs and a flushed, lustful face, eyeing the bunny tail plug he was soon to put in. After a few minutes of selfish pleasure that he didn't yet let reach its peak, he pulled his digits out of himself and replaced them with the tail. Hanging his arm over the side of the bed, all that was left for him to do was wait for Hinata... if he could manage it.

Shortly after Komaeda had gotten into his pose, Hinata opened their home's door with a smile of anticipation. "Komaeda, I'm home! What's the surprise?" He called out into the house, listening to where Komaeda's voice came from after he noticed he wasn't anywhere he could see.

Komaeda mustered his breath as he shifted his legs excitedly, calling back to him. "W-welcome home, Hinata-kun! I have your surprise upstairs~!"

Hinata noticed the slight hesitation in Komaeda's voice, but shrugged it off as he took off his shoes and set his suit jacket on the back of their couch, heading upstairs. He made it to the top and decided to check each of the rooms, even if he was fairly certain that Komaeda would either be in the home office or the bedroom. Before he could open the door to the office, Komaeda spotted him from the crack in the bedroom door and made a noise to alert him of where he was, keeping him from going into the office.

"The bedroom, you doofus." The albino chuckled as Hinata was startled by his voice coming from the room behind him. Hinata huffed and rolled his eyes, turning around and opening the cracked door all the way.

"Way to give me a heart attack, Komae...da." Hinata trailed off, his eyes widening at the sight on their bed. "So uh... This is the surprise, huh?"

Komaeda nodded with a flustered grin. "Mhm, partially. Sorry I don't have any rabbit ears, Hinata-kun; they were all sold out! People must be more willing to wear the ears than to put the tail in their ass." He giggled. "You can still work with this though, right~?" Komaeda stretched both of his arms over the side of the bed, moving to where his chest was on the bed and his butt wiggled in the air.

Hinata smiled, pulling at his tie to remove it and fumbling with his shirt's buttons. "What a cute bunny you would make, Komaeda~ Are you going to be a good one for me?" He purred, having removed his shirt and tie, walking towards the bed to stand in front of Komaeda. The other male lifted his chest from the bed to sit on his knees, wrapping his arms around Hinata's neck with a tilted head and another giggle.

"Of course I'll be good for you, Hinata-kun. The only things that would keep me from doing that are my luck or my arm. Let's hope they don't interfere tonight, hmm~?" He put his head in the crook of the brunet's neck, kissing along his collar bone softly.

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