Killer Luck - Komaegi

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Non-despair, regular school life, they don't live in the school,
For Kiboudere~

Nagito Komaeda was indeed lucky.

He had to be, how else would he have the SHSL Hope as his friend? Komaeda wanted more than friendship with him, but he figured he was blessed enough to have what he already had.

But that didn't mean Komaeda couldn't keep Makoto Naegi to himself.

You could say he was the jealous type. However, he would never dream of showing that side of himself to Naegi. It would be too much for the brunette. Instead, the luckster chose to take it out on those who got too close to his Hope.

So when Komaeda saw Kyouko Kirigiri give Naegi a peck on the cheek and walk off, it was all he could do to keep himself from running after her and tearing her apart right then and there in the hallway of Hope's Peak. To keep up his non-suspicious image, the albino just tensely strode up to his friend and asked what that was about.

"Oh, hi Komaeda-senpai! So you saw that, huh...?" The brunette awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and grinned. "Well, you see, Kirigiri-chan asked me out, and I accepted. Isn't that great? I think I can finally move on from..." His smile faltered. "I shouldn't be thinking about him... Uh, anyways, I'm honestly surprised nobody's asked you out yet!"

The explanation practically stabbed Komaeda's heart, the joyful and sincere expression on Naegi's face only pushing the knife deeper. The last comment broke him. Before he could start crying - or yelling, whichever came to him first - he made sure to quickly bid the brunette a goodbye and an 'I forgot to feed my cat, only expected of trash like me haha'. As he got away, Naegi's face became wrought with worry. He doesn't have a cat...

Komaeda knew what he had to do.


Komaeda had been alone his entire life. Nobody had ever loved him. When he passed, people would sneer, or look away and hide their children's eyes. Sure, there were a few people who tolerated him, like Hajime Hinata or Chiaki Nanami, but they didn't bother going out of their way to be his friend. When he finally found someone who accepted him and talked to him, who never thought to shove or punch or spit on him, he knew he couldn't let that person slip from his hands.

Byakuya Togami was in the way. He was going to take Naegi away from Komaeda. He couldn't just stand there and let his only friend be absorbed in a relationship that would make Naegi forget him.

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