Sweeter - Nanamiki

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Slight Junkan included.
Non-despair, but kinda angsty... Don't worry, I'm not too cruel. ;3
Gonna give first-person POV a shot, even though it's limiting in some ways. I tried to base it off the song at the top, but I dunno how that turned out.

*Nanami's POV*

"I-I'm going to hang out with Mioda-chan and Saionji-san again, o-okay Chiaki? C-can I borrow a j-jacket too?"

I let her. Of course I let her. I can't deny my girlfriend her fun. Even if it's at my expense...

I stay up while she goes out. Playing video games, cleaning around the house, thinking... Missing her. I miss her in more ways than one. I can tell her love for me isn't as strong as it once was.

It hasn't been strong ever since she met that model. Mikan thinks I don't know about her, using Mioda and Saionji as a cover-up every time... But I do.

It hurts that she's doing this, but it must be partially my fault, right? I'm not good enough for her, I think. Oh well... I let it happen anyways.

She looks so beautiful when she comes home, always in one of my jackets. She apologizes each time she sees I'm still awake, awaiting her return. "O-oh my goodness, I-I'm so sorry Chiaki! I d-don't mean to m-make you wait for me..."

I smile softly and tell her I don't mind. And I really don't. I just want to make sure she hasn't done anything bad to her. But when Mikan does get home and I calm her down, we go directly to bed.

I still stay awake after she falls asleep, no matter how tired I am. Seeing her sleeping face accentuated by the pale moonlight... it fuels me. It makes me remember all the nice times we have. It makes me forget about the model. It makes me feel like we're still okay...

I know we're not okay, I really do. I just want to hold on to her as long as possible. I fear what that other girl may do to her. It must be rude of me to assume a person I've never met is immediately bad news, but I can't shake the feeling.

Mikan is such a sweet person... I couldn't handle it if she were to be hurt. Ah, but I guess seeing another woman behind my back isn't that sweet, is it...?

Sometimes... Sometimes I wonder if I should just end it. Maybe she really wants to be with that model? Maybe I was never what she really wanted? Maybe Mikan isn't what I really want.

No, I don't mean that... Mikan is everything I could ever want. But that still doesn't mean I'm not good enough for her. What do I do anyways? I just play games. She actually helps people, healing them, saving them...

Can she save me? Can she mend my broken heart? Can she wrap my ragged thoughts? Can she stop herself from killing me slowly-?

I hear our car outside the house. I've decided what I need to do. Ripped from my thoughts, I realize my face feels wet... As I attempt to wipe them with my sleeve, the door opens.

"O-Oh no, I made you w-wait again didn't I...?! Ah, C-Chiaki...? What's w-wrong? Y-you're crying..." She comes closer to me and holds my face. I lean into her touch, looking up at her with swollen - yet hopeful - eyes.

"Mikan... I think we should talk about all the times you've gone out..." Her eyes widen and she starts snivelling. She immediately breaks down into tears, pulling me into a tight hug and clutching my shirt. I hug back and trace circles on her spine.

"I'm s-sorry! Y-You must h-hate me now! I hate m-me too!" Her voice is in absolute shambles as I pull back and wipe her tears with my thumb, holding her head so she'd look into my eyes, which were pouring more tears than ever.

"Hey, hey... Mikan, honey... W-we can talk this out, okay? We can fix things, okay? I don't hate you, I never could. I just want you to love me again." I took her to the couch and sat us both down, wrapping an arm around her and rubbing it along hers.

"I-I do love y-you, Chiaki... S-she just pulled me in, I-I didn't understand what was happening and I s-still don't! She's s-so... toxic... B-but I could't stay away..." I nodded into her shoulder, holding her closer.

"That's fine, Mikan. I forgive you, I promise. It's not your fault. Can you just guarantee one thing to me? Can you please... just stay with me? Can you stop seeing her?" She looks at me with such a thankful expression as she slowly nods.

"Y-yes, of course, Chiaki... Th-thank you, so so m-much! I p-promise I'll stay with you, r-really! I won't see her a-anymore, and I'll drag you w-with me any time I go out... I-if that's okay with you...?" I smiled at her and a laugh bubbled up in my throat as I jumped into her lap.

"I would absolutely love to go with you, Mikan."

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