The Last Piece - KarmaGisa

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Smut warning! Also heads up, foodplay involving gum-

Nagisa was on the couch of his and Karma's shared apartment, messing with his sheathed knives on the coffee table as he popped the last piece of strawberry gum they had into his mouth. Soon enough, Karma got back from work and sat himself beside Nagisa, wrapping his arms around the small male.

"Heya cutie~" Karma teased, trying to get some sort of reaction. Nagisa merely blushed and kissed his cheek, returning to his admiring of the weapons. Karma pouted and leaned back, spotting the empty gum pack on the table. He picked it up and waved it around a bit, getting Nagisa's attention again.

"Dude, I thought I told you to save that piece for me?" Nagisa shrugged and giggled, blowing a bubble just to annoy Karma.

"I wanted it instead. And you weren't home to get it. So nyeh." He stuck the tip of his tongue out. Karma crossed his arms, pursing his lips. Suddenly, an idea came to him, and he smirked. Nagisa noticed the expression, quirking an eyebrow as to ask what he was planning before he started to suspect that he should be worried.

Karma didn't bother with an answer, leaning forward to crash his lips into Nagisa's and linking his arms around his neck. Nagisa was surprised, but kissed back nonetheless. Karma smirked inwardly and swiped his tongue along Nagisaa's lips, relishing in the sweet strawberry taste. The blue-haired assassin momentarily forgot about the gum, welcomingly opening his lips for Karma with a sigh.

Bullseye. Karma slipped his tongue in, sneaking the gum from the other's mouth and pulling away. Nagisa furrowed his brows, his cheeks dusted pink. "That was mean! Give it back, Karma."

"Make me~" He replied with a haughty grin and a bubble. Normally, Nagisa would ignore the remarks that the other made... but he wanted that gum. He really wanted that gum.

With that, Nagisa forced his lips on Karma's once more, pushing his tongue in as his fighter mindset reared itself. The two battled for dominance, the kiss becoming more heated by the second. After a few minutes, Karma ended up tackling Nagisa fully onto the couch, pinning him down as he took the gum again. He broke the kiss, staying close to Nagisa and smirking while breathing heavily.

"Well... Would you look at that. I won." That statement caused Nagisa to push his leg up in between Karma's in revenge, making the redhead gasp and quickly close his mouth so the gum wouldn't fall. The two were painfully hard from the kissing session, Nagisa was just the one to suggest that they do something about it.

Karma understood the hint, tugging at the uniform and pulling it off the male under him as he threw it to the side. Karma leaned back down to nibble at a pink nub, earning a muffled groan from Nagisa. He did the same to the other, licking at them both and enjoying it even more with the taste of strawberry. Nagisa held back his sounds, squirming as he wanted the other to hurry.

The taller one breathily chuckled, planting kisses down to the line of Nagisa's pants and nuzzling the tent. The other whined and pushed his hips up, and Karma finally decided to undo the clothing and pull it off, underwear and all. He closed his eyes, slowly enveloping the pale member in his mouth as Nagisa moaned softly.

Nagisa could feel the gum on his skin, watching as Karma lifted his head to reveal that he stretched it over the tip. The blue-haired one stuttered and blushed. "Y-You're so weird Karma... I-it'll get stuck..." There goes his want for the gum now.

Karma just smirked and nodded, returning his head down to bob on the part. Nagisa let out a string of pleas, moving a hand to card though the bright hair. Before Nagisa could get too close, Karma brought his head up again and took off his own pants, gum still on the member.

After Karma was free of the restricting clothes, he reached under the couch cushions to retrieve a bottle of lube. He popped the cap, drizzling it over his fingers as the smaller boy watched in anticipation, blushing heavily. The redhead leaned back down to suck at Nagisa's neck in an attempt to distract from the uncomfortableness of his finger entering. Nagisa clenched his eyes shut, his mouth hanging lack from the stimulation.

He moved the finger in and out, Nagisa's uncomfort transitioning into plesure as he pushed back onto it. Karma smiled into his collarbone, pressing a second finger in and separating them inside him. The assassination-enthusiast released a strangled moan, pushing harder down onto the digits.

Karma put in a third, twisting and pressing them against the walls in search of the specific bundle of nerves as he watched the other's face. He soon grazed it, Nagisa whining and begging. "K-Karma..." He pleadingly glanced at Karma's own length to let him know he was ready.

The redhead obliged, pulling his fingers out and positioning his cock instead. He captured Nagisa's lips in a kiss as he moved forward, the other moaning into his mouth. Karma continued to kiss him while he adjusted, until Nagisa pulled away. "J-just move already...!"

Karma chuckled, kissing his cheek and starting to thrust, pleasured cries spilling from the other. Precum was dripping from the smaller male's member, not getting very far due to the gum still being there and providing a slight friction.

Nagisa's moans became louder with each thrust, while Karma was only allowing himself to produce occasional groans. In no time, the two were hot messes, growing closer and closer.

"'G-Gisa, I'm almost... there!" Karma struggled out. The other attempted to nod, panting and pushing himself against the rocking hips. The redhead soon released inside Nagisa, feeling like a spring had rapidly uncoiled inside him as he moaned the other's name.

The sheer pressure and force caused the bluehead to come immediately after, grasping onto the cushions and gasping. The liquid was once again caught by the gum, slipping through the areas it didn't touch.

After a few moments of the two catching their breath, Karma pulled out, his cum following. He looked at Nagisa, smiling at the satiated expression. His smile turned into a smirk as he brought his head back down to the other's member, pulling the gum off with his teeth and licking up the remaining liquid.

He rested himself on Nagisa, chewing the gum and popping it. The other's eyes widened as his face turned red. "Y-you...! Now the gum's ruined..."

Karma shook his head, laughing. "It's not ruined for me. Tastes like you now." Nagisa's blush strengthened, and he covered his face with his hands.

"L-Let's just clean up now..."

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