The One - KamuHina

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Non-despair, fluff, people at Hope's Peak share dorms in this. I very loosely based this off the song at the top. Listen to it if you want ╮( •́ω•̀)╭

For LoveMeSomeYaoi! Sorry it took so long... ^^' I just wanted to make sure I made it sufficient, since I know there aren't enough fics for KamuHina (which needs to be fixed immediately tbh).

Of course. It just had to be him. Hinata just had to fall for Izuru Kamakura.

His own roommate.

Time came to a complete stop every time he looked in those red, calculating eyes. His skin burned every time those long ebony locks brushed up against him. His heart stopped every time he said "Hajime." The the sky was fracturing at his hands, unbeknownst to the culprit.

...Maybe he's just over thinking it. The world keeps turning, time goes on. Nothing is stopping for his lovesick little self. But that doesn't mean it can't feel like it.

Perhaps Kamakura even knows everything already? He is every talent... Including extremely analytical. He's probably known of Hinata's feelings ever since they formed. He could even be leading him on with each small touch or quick look or slight smirk... The possibility was absolutely infuriating.

And it made Hinata love him more.

He lay on his bed, thoughts running through his head. What if... I just avoided him for a bit? I bet it's just an infatuation I have with him. Yeah, that must be it. He's so cool, and talented, and handsome...... What was I planning on doing again...? Hinata mentally facepalmed.

Oh, right... Avoiding Izuru. I just need time away from him to stop these dumb feelings. A few days to myself would help, probably. With that, Hinata chose to keep himself locked in his room when Kamakura was around. Luckily they were on a week's break, so he wouldn't have to run around the school like an idiot just to stay away from him.

Deciding what would be the best course of actions, he rose from his bed and peeked out the door. Not seeing the harbinger of his imminent demise, he went to the kitchen for a few snacks and drinks barely suitable for a few days. He then procured a piece of paper, writing "DO NOT DISTURB, YOU EMO" and taping it to the outside of his room's door, locking himself in.

A couple hours passed and he heard the door to his shared dorm open. "Hajime, I'm back. I bought food to make dinner tonight. It's going to be curry." Grocery bags hit the floor as the door shut.

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