Orange You Glad? - Hajime Hinata/Orange Juice

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My first total crackfic. (Byakuoncé doesn't count because I was completely serious with it.)

Hajimeme Hinata woke up bright and early with a smile on his face, as he had dreamed about drinking his OJ after brushing his teeth. He knew everyone else was disgusted when they did that, but he got a rush of adrenaline from the mint mixing with the citrus.

"Today is going to be a good day!" After saying that and getting up from his bed, he felt uncomfortable in his lower regions. He looked down to see a tent in his boxers. A literal tent. People were camping in his underwear.

"Today is going to be a day."


Egg 2.0 didn't bother telling the people to leave his shorts. Would he ruin a perfectly good family camping experience? Of course he wouldn't. He's not a menace.

Passing by his brother's room to get some sweet delicious OJ from the kitchen, he heard sighing and things of the like. Well would you look at that. Izuru is indeed the savage of the two, evacuating his own poor family. Hinatata shed a tear for the sorrowful morning Izuru's pants-family must be going through.

Meme-machine kept walking so he could finally get that dank OJ he'd been craving, ignoring the toothpaste idea because it was just a fantasy that he knew he couldn't handle that day.

He made it to his destination and opened the fridge, a beacon of light shining down upon the orange nectar with a chorus of angels singing beside him.

He told the angels to leave. They were unwelcome guests and could afford to do anything, unlike the working-class family he so nicely let stay in his briefs.

Finally grabbing the goodness and pouring it in a glass, something spoke to him. "Hakuna Hinata... Place your lips upon my rim~"

Okay, that was oddly suggestive, and Hinata didn't know if he welcomed it???

"Who the fuck-"

"IT IS I. YOUR DRINK. DUH." Holy shiitake mushrooms, his OJ could talk? Goddammit now he's turned on.

"Drink me up, baby. That family left, so now it's allll youuuu causing that. I know you want me inside you ;)) Orange you glad you have bananas too?"

Hina-Ratata slowly moved the glass towards his mouth, taking in every second of anticipation.

Then he woke up in a cold sweat. Inception.

It's short but it was the best I could do I'm soRRY *cries and dies*
I wonder if this would count as smut. Proooobablyyy noootttt. ╰( ˘ω˘ )╯
I hope it was enjoyable anyways!

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