Threats - KomaHina ➡ KomaMiki

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Angst warning! I just felt like writing something my online friends and I are all familiar with, sadly-

"If you leave me, I'll kill myself." Those words hit Hinata like a bag of bricks.

"H... How could you say that? How could you use your life against me like that?" Komaeda shrugged, his expression blank and cold.

"Easily. It doesn't seem like my life is worth anything to you anyways." Hinata stepped back in surprise, feeling as if a knife was just stuck through his chest.

"Nagito, no... No, you know that's not true. I loved you once. You... You need to get some help."

"No, Hajime-kun, you're all that I need. I can't live without you." Hinata furrowed his brows, feeling pained at everything Komaeda said.

"This is what I'm talking about. You rely on me too much. Yet, when I'm hanging out with my friends, you accuse me of not wanting you, like you want that to be true. You can't depend on me forever."

"I know I can't, that's why I should end my life after you leave. You're all that I have, Hajime-kun... I thought you understood that."

"I did! But we can find you someone else, Nagito, I promise. Someone who will treat you better than I ever could. Look, Nanami recently made a new friend with a cute girl, I think she would be a really good match for you. You two have the same... doubts." Hinata's gaze softened as he took one of Komaeda's hands in his own, gripping it supportively. The albino yanked his hand away, crossing his arms and trying to avoid tearing up.

"Why should I? You and I have known each other since we were kids, why should I let you go just so I can start over with someone I've never known and can't trust?"

"Nagito, it feels like you don't even trust me, nonetheless her. I think starting over would be good for you. You need fresh love... not the stale feeling we've grown to have for each other through all of the years of disagreements. You can't cling onto me forever, I'm begging you to at least give this girl a chance. Please Nagito... For me." Hinata placed a hand gently on Komaeda's cheek, running his thumb under his eye. Komaeda sighed and bit his lip, allowing his tears to finally spill as he slowly nodded.

"Fine... But if I don't like her and you still don't want me... I-I really will do it!" Komaeda pointed an accusatory finger at Hinata, scowling. The brunet just shook his head and pulled Komaeda into a hug.

"Thank you, but I'll keep you from doing so. You still mean too much to me for me to just let you do that. We'll set up a date with her now, okay?"

*~A year later~*

Komaeda sat on his couch with Tsumiki's head on his lap, who was taking a nap to ease some of her anxiety as he gently stroked her hair. Sighing and smiling softly at her, Komaeda pulled out his cell phone to call Hinata. The brunet answered with a hum.


"Thank you, Hajime-kun. Mikan-chan is very lovely... We haven't had a single fight, and our anniversary is even tomorrow. If it weren't for you suggesting this, I would be long gone and missing out on such a sweet person. I must say, she's very devoted to me... Not once have I had the suspicion that she might not like me. It's very... refreshing." Komaeda finished up his mini ramble, wiping away a joyful tear that had formed in the corner of his eye. Hinata was grinning at the end, his arm around his own sleeping girlfriend, Nanami.

"There's no need to thank me, it's what you deserve. I'm very happy and proud of you, Nagito. Let's hope things continue like this in the future, yeah?" Komaeda softly chuckled as he nodded, even though Hinata couldn't see, caressing Tsumiki's pale cheek.

"Hajime-kun, hope is all I've ever known."

Guys, if you really feel like hurting or killing yourself over someone, please get help okay? Call a hotline, even text one, or tell someone you trust who will support you. While love can be one of the most painful things in the universe, it is not worth throwing your life away. Love is always out there, even if you don't believe it's possible... Trust me. <3

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