Heat - Komaegi

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Smut. Neko Ko, Pup Naegi, Owner Hinata. This was an RP between Kiboudere and me, I was Naegi~

Hanamura hummed lightly to himself as he stirred the soup he was making, the substance a bright pink. He was supposed to be watching over Hinata's pets, but instead took the advantage to cook in Hinata's kitchen. It was more of an aphrodisiac than a soup, but Hanamura called it his "Sexy Sexy Soup." He was getting ready to pour it into a bottle, planning to keep it just in case when a voice startled him.
"Whatcha doing, Hanamura-kun?" Hanamura slipped and fell with a yell. Standing above him was Komaeda with a curious expression, a white tail swishing by his side and two cat ears twitching atop his head. Unfortunately, Hanamura was knocked unconscious from hitting his head on the table. Komaeda cocked his head when he got no answer, and instead turned his attention to the pot laying atop of Hinata's stove. Cautiously, Komaeda dipped one finger in it before bringing it to his mouth, giving it a cautious lick before his eyes widened at the great taste. Licking his lips, he decided to pour it into two bowls. One for himself, and the other for his lovely companion Naegi. Holding the two bowls, he headed out the kitchen.
"Naegi-kun! It seems Hanamura-kun has cooked us some delicious soup!" He called with a smile.

Naegi's light brown ears perked up as he sat at the table, his attention being brought to Komaeda. "Oh, he did? How nice of him!" The brunette pup smiled at the albino cat.

Komaeda sat down as he handed Naegi his bowl. "I know! Master made a perfect choice as always! And it's so tasty, too!" Komaeda lifted his spoon and pushed it in his mouth, purring at the taste.

Naegi nodded and lifted his spoon to his mouth as well. His eyes widened at the succulence, his tail starting to rapidly wag as he smiled wide. "W-woah, this really is delicious! Master picked such a good sitter for us!" He ate the meal quickly, enjoying every bite.

Komaeda's feline instincts made him drink more elegantly and take slightly longer to finish than Naegi, enjoying the taste of the soup going down his throat. He sighed in contentment. "Ah, Hanamaura-kun is a really good cook." He purred as his tail moved lazily against the floor. It wasn't long before Komaeda began to feel strange. His body started to feel feverish and a weird urge crept up him. Komaeda felt weak all of the sudden, his face flushing. "W-what is this?" He let out a small mewl. His eyes landed on Naegi who seemed to be in a worse state than him.

Naegi agreed with Komaeda's statement, already finished with his soup. All of the sudden, Naegi started to sweat and pant heavily, his lids becoming droopy as he stared at Komaeda. "K-Komaeda-kun... It's so hot..." The brunette slid his jacket off, pulling at his shirt's collar as he leaned up against a wall.

Komaeda nodded in agreement, sliding off his green jacket. "N-Naegi-kun...you feel it too?" He panted, moving closer towards Naegi. His tail curled around Naegi's ankle and his ears slicked back. They were so close, their lips just inches apart. "C-can I, Naegi-kun?" He breathed heavily, his eyes glazed over with desire. Lust was quickly clouding over his mind and reasoning, and his clothes felt too tight. The usually comfortable collar seemed to be choking him now, and his only focus was the smaller brown puppy in front of him.

Naegi whimpered and closed the distance himself, practically lapping at Komaeda's lips. His butt was in the air, his tail going between his legs in embarrassment as he made contact with the other.

Komaeda kissed back with just as much desperation, his arm wrapping around Naegi's waist. Feeling the urge to dominate the younger dog, his tongue slid against Naegi's lower lip for permission. His tail released Naegi's ankle, teasingly running up his thigh as Komaeda's leg was shoved in between Naegi's legs.

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