(2) A Different Kind of Massage - KomaHina

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Eventual smut warning!
Read the first one shot of this book before this one, please! You might be confused otherwise, as this is a continuation of it. ╮( •́ω•̀)╭
Don't worry, there's also fluff.

A week shortly after the massage clinic meeting, Hinata and Komaeda had began to text frequently. Any time they had a break from their job, they would send messages back and forth. They had even gotten to calling each other "Ko" and "Hinata-kun."

Hinata found extreme interest in the masseur he had, and he wanted to know more. Therefore, he decided to hold up his idea of the two getting coffee, texting him his plans.

"Hey, Ko, wanna meet up for coffee today after work? It's a Friday, so I thought, y'know..."

"ah, certainly hinata-kun! spending time with you sounds nice :3"

Hinata smiled and shook his head at the emoji, warming at the thought that Komaeda would want to spend more time with him.

"Great! Then, today after you're off? Starbucks?"

"wow hinata-kun, i never took you for being basic. but sure! ;P"

Hinata rolled his eyes and ended the conversation, starting on his work with a newfound energy as he awaited what was to come. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧ )


It took what seemed like forever for Komaeda to be let off after Hinata was. Eventually, the brunet drove happily to the decided destination as the other informed him of finally getting out.

Pulling up to the shop and stepping out of his car, Hinata entered the building and took in the sweet smell of sugar and creamer, an underlying scent of the strong coffee.

As he placed himself in the line to order, he looked at his phone to find that Komaeda would be there shortly and to order for him. The line went as all lines do: agonizingly slow. Luckily, Hinata retrieved the two coffees right as Komaeda walked in.

The two smiled at each other, sitting at a table in the corner so they could talk more privately. Hinata handed Komaeda his coffee, bewildered at how he wouldn't want anything sweet in it.

"It's good to see you again, Ko. I've really enjoyed texting you in the meantime..." The shorter of the two nervously chuckled.

Komaeda smiled widely, patting Hinata's arm over the table. "It's good to see you too, Hinata-kun! Don't act all nervous now, though. I've seen you mostly-naked, after all." The albino winked and chuckled at the brunet's flustered face.

"Yeah, whatever..." Hinata couldn't help but grin at the ridiculousness.

The two chatted for a while, getting closer with each topic they talked about. As they went over different conversations and Hinata stared intently at Komaeda when he talked, the brunet was becoming curious about something else. Hinata mustered all his courage for this question, unintentionally cutting off one of Komaeda's rambles.

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