Games - KomaNami

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For Kiboudere~
I know the ship name is KomaNami, but hear me out... Konami. Genius? Probably not. I bet someone else even thought of that already.
Non-despair, fluff, the dorms are more like apartments than just one room.

It was Friday, and Yukizome-sensei had worked everyone half-to-death that week. At least, in their opinions. The poor Ultimates had it so hard.

Chiaki Nanami, the class representative, was of course the most stressed with all of her duties. Especially since she became so easily worn out.

In an attempt to detox herself, Nanami called her reserve course friend and invited him to play games with her, figuring he must have it just as rough, if not more. He declined, saying he had a lot of work and things to plan for. Nanami understood and wished him luck, hoping to play with him another time.

Another option came to her mind soon after. Nagito Komaeda. In all honesty, she appreciated him quite a bit. She didn't even mind it when he got clingy or awkward. She knew he meant well.

She might just possibly have formed a small attraction to him and his awkwardness. She wanted to avoid calling him first, since she had seen him earlier that day. She also just wanted to spend time with the previously-attempted boy in an effort to make him more comfortable with the school.

Alas, she would decide to call Komaeda anyways. Maybe she could plan on confessing to him. She dialed his number, greeting him with her soft voice and invitation.

He let out a breathy laugh when she made the offer. "Nanami-san wants to spend her downtime with someone like me? I'm honored! Of course I'll come. See you soon, Nanami-san~!"

She lightly giggled, saying bye as he hung up. Now, what would she have him play...?

Spin the bottle? Truth or dare? The Pocky game...? No no no, those are all too forward or require more than two people... Ahhh, maybe I should have gotten better at dating sims before inviting him...

Nanami thought for a bit, eventually choosing to play a normal video game with him. She looked around her room, her eyes coming across two Dance Dance Revolution pads as a smile grew on her face.

She set up the pads and inserted the game disk into her PlayStation. As the title screen popped up, there was a knock at her door.

Getting up and opening the door, she looked up at Komaeda with a soft grin. "Hi, Ko-kun. I'm glad you came."

He chuckled at the name, a slight pink on his cheeks. "Good evening, Nanami-san. I'm glad you invited me."

She stepped to the side to let him in, closing the door behind him after he entered. "Would you like any snacks or drinks, Ko-kun?"

He smiled widely. "Ah, no thank you, Nanami-san. Just spending time with someone so full of hope is enough for me! May I ask what game we will be playing, though- Oh..." He saw the title screen and looked back to Nanami, still smiling. "I'm not that good at dancing, but I'll try!"

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