Cooking together

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Antoine Griezmann:

Pancakes with fruit

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Pancakes with fruit.

Despite you and Antoine's Instagram photos making this was quite difficult. It was a lot of yelling "Antoine no!" "I don't think that goes there." "Oh shit" "is that even enough" "I don't even know" and most of all "Help!" Antoine was good at grilling and cooking. Not baking pancakes. You both just flung and ate the batter.

Robert Lewandowski:

Robert Lewandowski:

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It wasn't really cooking but more of the art form. You were supposed to cut it into fancy shapes and such. But after many butterfly bandaids for Robert and yourself, you decided to call it a day and just chip the fruit up.

Lionel Messi:

Honey mustard chicken with bacon, avocado salad

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Honey mustard chicken with bacon, avocado salad.

Making this was fairly easy but finding a recipe that would suffice both of you was very difficult. He has to have something healthy or he wasn't cooking with you.

Cristiano Ronaldo:

Cristiano Ronaldo:

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At first Cristiano was totally against cooking with you. You were both fit but you also liked chicken, a good piece of steak, or even a lot of starches. You didn't like to practically eat air like Cristiano. So he cooked with you and helped you cut the tough fish and such and had a small piece. But at night you caught him sneaking a midnight snack of your sushi and by the next day it was gone.

Neymar jr:

Neymar jr:

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You definitely took the lazy route of actually cooking. You got Pre Made pizza dough, pre cut cheese and pre cut everything basically. Neymar and you took turns and almost burnt the pizza in the oven after falling asleep. It was definitely worth it though.

Erik durm:

Grilled panini and salad

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Grilled panini and salad

The both of you liked to cook. It wasn't a passion but it was something you didn't mind doing. Neither of you wanted anything fancy for lunch and you were bored so you decided You make a panini. Later on Erik joined and it only took 25 minutes or so. You bonded a lot and talked which was the deciding factor that you'd do this again.

Gerard pique:

Salsa apricot quesadillas

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Salsa apricot quesadillas

You both were completely ambitious to learn how to cook. Luckily since Gerard is a cutie, he had wanted to make something his mom had made him when he was little. He found the recipe and was sure you both were going to make it. While you had to wait for something to sauté or cook he held you tight in a hug and gave you lots of kisses

This chapter made me really hungry sorry lol. If you have any preference ideas just comment below. Which one would you want to eat? And also what's your favorite food? I'm very curious.

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