|Robert Lewandowski|

619 26 108

Win win situation?

(Y/N) watched from the stands, absolutely horrified at the sight upon her

She watched as her husband ran his hands through his hair in frustration, while trying to keep up running and his motivation as glared up at her

(Y/N)'s positive and up going smile quickly turned into a frown after she saw his face, she sat down, disappointed in his attitude as she slumped down in her chair

Why doesn't he think he's good enough?

She asked herself as she glared down at her phone, while glaring at her beaming Atlético Madrid best friend sitting next to her, knowing her team, as well as Bayern were both playing at their absolute best and busting their asses.

And just when (Y/N) thought the match couldn't get any worse, Atlético scored in the first quarter. Making
(Y/N) just want to run out onto the field, grab her husband and cuddle him hard, not wanting to let him go. He works so hard and she didn't want him to be discouraged at all.

She covered her eyes as she grasped onto her phone harder with one hand and she held her jersey even tighter with her other hand to contain her anger.

As the first period ended, she noticed her husband walking into the tunnel with his head hung low, clearly and visibly upset.

She quickly grabbed her phone to shoot him a text, to encourage him slightly

(Y/N): I know things are rough right now but I believe in you! Please, do it for me 😌😚

Hun 💍⚽️: I just miss you, and it just sucks cause I feel like I'm letting you down right now

(Y/N): Don't you ever say that Robert! You know damn straight that I love you no matter what, not to mention there will be something to look forward to later 😉 so just hang in there bub

Hun 💍⚽️: Hmmm.... I'm listening 😏 But, I will see you later... I have to go

(Y/N) stood up again, ready to support her husband through think and thin, even if seeing him heartbroken was possibly the worse thing a wife could ever witness.

The game felt like forever, especially knowing that afterwards was gonna feel like hell, knowing how Robert deals with a loss, but maybe, he'll take the loss out in another way... (Y/N) prayed it was the second option

He walked into the tunnels in defeat as (Y/N) rushed home, starting to make Robert's favorite dinner to at least cheer him up slightly.

She threw her bag on the couch and took of her shoes, heading to the kitchen. She turned on the stove, grabbing the pancake mix from the cabinet to prepare brinner for her husband.

Just as she started to put the pancakes on the stove because the batter was ready, she heard the door slam loudly

Okay, Robert is clearly home, just keep your cool and everything will be fine

(Y/N) thought as she took in a deep breath as she yelled to him

"Hey honey! You did gre-" her sentence was cut off with a partially sweaty and partially fresh showered Robert, cupping her cheeks passionately as he kissed her so hard her lips felt numb.

She stumbled back a bit as he clenched her back, leaning her against the counter. He eventually propped her up on the swirled white marble counter top as he still attacked her lips, yanking on the back of her shirt and she nestled her hands in his rich hair. They both pulled away, gasping for air as he gave a soft chuckle, she questioned him, and in response he shared

"It's cute you prepared dinner, but I was thinking something else" he winked

As they kissed more, he was about to remove (Y/N)'s shirt as she pulled away

"Oh trust me babe, the feeling is mutual but those pancakes are gonna burn so I'll turn off the stove on the way to the bedroom" she laughed a bit as she stated that phrase, kissing him even more roughly as she noted her lipstick stains all over him

"Sounds like a plan" he said, carrying her up to the bedroom, bridal style as at the same time she kind of liked the aftermath of the loss

Because it was one hell of a night...

This one was for Kara_Lawrence ! Hope you enjoyed! Please go follow her and BeyHiveForLife because they're so awesome and they have amazing stories too! And there are more imagines to come 😘

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