|Antoine Griezmann|

561 33 97

I Need You

"Fuck! I hate this" (Y/N) growled, tossing her notebook across the room as she rubbed her eyes, laying back on her bed as she took a deep breath in

"You hate what?" Antoine peered his head in her bedroom as he handed her a cup of tea

"This stupid test I have to study for, I know nothing and it's stupid" she expressed, staring at the ceiling as he heart and head pounded from stress

"Well what is it? Maybe I can help" he said sitting next to her on the bed, pulling her legs into his lap as she sat up

"No, I don't need your help" she said exhaling heavily as he looked at her with furrowed brows

"What do you mean? I bet you always need me" he said kissing her neck as she pulled away and rested her face in her two hands

"I don't want your help, I'm fine, I'll figure it out myself" she mumbled

He shrugged "That's fine love, I'll be in the kitchen" as he paused "Being unwanted, and not needing any help with the dishes either" he said as she groaned, predicting what the next few days would be like

After 6 years of dating him, (Y/N) knew Antoine like a book. And he was quite the cheeky boy, so he liked to fool around a lot. So she anticipated that for the next week or so, he'd be hanging onto the harmless phrase that slipped out of her mouth, and would take every opportunity to play around with that.

"Babe wait! You know I didn't mean it like that" she ran down stairs as she threw her pen on the floor near her notebook.

Antoine was in the kitchen doing dishes as she repeated his name, she could see he was hiding a smile as he threw a dish towel over his shoulder

"Antoine! Anto! Baguette boy! French toast! G-dog! Grizzly bear! Cmon man!" She listed as he glared at her

"I'm sorry, I'm too busy being un needed"

"You're not gonna let me live this down are you?" She asked as he shook his head

"Why do you need something?" She stated at him

"You know what? Fuck you!" She screamed, letting out a small chuckle afterwards as she started storming up the stairs loudly

"Honey I'd love to but I'm very un wanted at the moment!" He yelled up to her as she rolled her eyes, closing the door as she picked up the notebook and pen sand stared at the sheet of paper

"Fuck, I need help" she stated to herself

For the next week, Antoine did the little things to set her off. Like when he went to bed he'd hoard the covers and say

"I'm sorry, did you need this"

Or holding the coffee pot or tea pot over her head and say the exact same thing

When she went to take her final exam, she really did realize that she needed him and that she probably just failed her test because she was too stubborn to ask for help

Frustrated and tired, (Y/N) walked out of class and walked on to sidewalks of the enormous campus that surrounded her

She walked to her car, as she tapped her pockets, feeling around for her keys as she sighed.

She set her backpack down to go check the pockets, but nothing was there. And then she remembered something


"That's bastard!" She whispered to herself as she groaned, when she was at lunch, knowing Antoine, he probably asked her friends to snag her keys and give them to him just so the following situation would happen

The first person on her contact in her phone was Anto. She couldn't call anyone else, since people were either in class or didn't live near her. She rolled her eyes as she pressed the contact name, not very eager to hear what he had to say

"Antoine speaking" he said , as (Y/N) hesitated to hang up on him, but she adjusted her coat as the chilling wind hit the back of her neck.

"Hi, I'm stuck at school, it's cold like 35 degrees cold and I need a ride" she said as he scoffed

"Oh I'm sorry (Y/N)? Could you repeat that?"

"I need a ride" she gritted through her teeth as he chuckled mischievously

"Did you say you needed me? Ms, (Y/L/N)"

She groaned "Yes yes I said it okay? Now can you get your French ass over here and pick me up? I think I'm developing frost bite"

"You love this French ass, and of course, I'm just at a photoshoot, I'll be right there"

"Wait Antoine!" She screamed on the phone as he answered

"Yes" he exaggerated the 'S' as she smiled

"Can you send me pictures? I wanna see" She said quietly like a little girl as he busted out laughing

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know the drill, I have to go"

She smirked to herself as a few minutes later her inbox Antoine had sent her a message

Anto 😘🦄❤️: On my way since you... need me. You'd die if it wasn't for me okay babe?

 You'd die if it wasn't for me okay babe?

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(Y/N): Oh screw you buddy! Nice pic tho... I guess it's alright

Anto 😘🦄❤️: Save that for when we get home lol, I have to pick you up first... Since you need this precious boy named Antoine in your life

(Y/N): 🖕

Within 20 minutes, Antoine's car was rolling up. As she went to approach it, Antoine kept hitting the gas pedal and inching up further and further from her as she tried to open the door as she saw him laughing. Once he stopped, he locked the doors and opened the windows

"Let me in!" She said angrily as he laughed and pouted his lips

"Can I get a kiss?" She rolled her eyes and planted a kiss on his lips

"Can you let me in now I'm freezing!" She opened the door and got in, putting her seat belt on as she looked at him

"And this is why-" she paused and sighed "As painful as it is, I need you"

He grabbed her hand "I need you too"

Can we just take a moment and appreciate the GQ mag like I know I keep talking about it but god damn I wanna cryyyyy. Please follow my squad Kara_Lewandowska , BeyHiveForLife , laura4ramos , fthiss , and hi_dee ! I love their books!

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