|Olivier Giroud|

450 13 53

The Office Worker

The banging of the rolling chair rang simultaneously throughout (Y/N)'s head, that added on top of her pounding headache

Just bite the bullet, if you stay in this hell hole long enough, your contract says that the company will pay 75% of your schooling to get your masters degree

She rubbed her temples as she took in a deep breath, sipping her hot tea, as she slammed her computer keys angrily, hoping the person in the next door cubical would possibly get the hint. The aroma of the green tea slightly cleared her clogged nostrils full of mucus

Being sick was not fun, especially when you have a lousy cubical neighbor. 

See, (Y/N) has never exactly met her office "Partner", she's just heard him make exaggerated groans at his work, him slamming his rolling chair against the legs of his desk repeatedly, and him throwing a ball at the cork boards and walls of his cubical, and she was sick of it

It had been going on for nearly 4 years now, yet they've never met, they've only exchanged a few phrases

(Y/N) tended to be antisocial. She didn't want to attend Christmas parties or any parties really, she didn't want to put on a smile and act fake around her co workers that she hated deeply, so she just avoided those situations, which was quite easy when you worked as an editor for medical sheets.

Big companies never really thank the little people do they?

But she was okay with that, and she actually liked her job, it was the socializing that came with it, that she didn't enjoy. She just wanted to do what she needed to do and get the hell out of there. Sitting in her pajamas while watching Netflix was way better then listening to a random guy talk to his friend named 'Antoine' all day.

Actually, it was quite insane how much you can learn from a person without actually physically seeing them, I mean, (Y/N) knew so much about him, granted she didn't know his name or what he looked like, but she knew about him personally.

After various phone call conversations, apparently he enjoyed soccer, he had a friend named Antoine, he works out frequently, he's single, and he definitely gets hung over more often then any usual human being should.

The boy on the other side clearly didn't get the hint about his interruptions to her work and now, he was tapping his fingers against his desk, well at least that's what it sounded like.

(Y/N) was now completely fed up with his behavior, so she shoved her her headphones in angrily and blasting her music loudly, softly humming to the tune, despite her sore throat.

Just then, (Y/N) heard a tapping against her cubical and a small hand popped into her side of the opening

"Uh hi, excuse me? I can hear your music" he waved his hand rapidly as she yanked out her ear buds angrily, slapping his hand from her side of her office

"Well, if you excuse me, I wouldn't be listening to my music so loudly if you weren't slamming your chair into your desk every five seconds" she retorted furiously, rolling her eyes, even if he didn't see her

"Oh sorry about that" he paused for a second, just as she was about to put her music back in, she heard him speak again

"Are you sick? You sound sick. You probably shouldn't be here today if you're, you know, germs and stuff" she bit her lip, feeling her blood pressure rise as she just wanted to get back to work, or strangle him with her hands, she looked at the ceiling, taking in a deep breath

"Yes- I am, I'm taking off tomorrow and even though I have enough hours to take several days off, I don't want to miss too much work" she stated, tossing her headphones aside, knowing that her neighbor wouldn't shut up, once he started to speak

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