He finds out you're a royal princess pt 1

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Antoine Griezmann: For your birthday, Antoine had ordered you a "23 and me" kit. Basically it's when you take a spit swab, send it back to the lab, and they'll give you everything about you and your past family history. You were more than happy getting it and set the test tube back to the lab quickly. When it came back you were both excited and started reading it together. You started to read it as Antoine got much farther in the letter then you did. "Hey, check this out, its insane" your eyes skimmed the rest as you looked where Antoine was pointing. You gasped and looked at it closer "I'm a literal princess! Holy crap." Antoine stared at you "Tell me there a castle in your name somewhere in the world and I will loose my shit"

Robert Lewandowski: Dating was pretty hard, especially for a princess. I mean you didn't really tell anyone that gouge. It wasn't like you introduced yourself as "Hi I'm a princess, how are you?" It wasn't anything like that. So when you finally found your picture perfect Prince, Robert Lewandowski, life was pretty great. It was great except he didn't exactly know you were, well you know, royalty. So when you invited him over dinner with your parents present, it was a little odd. First of all he couldn't find the place, probably because it was a giant mansion (basically a castle) so when he arrived the first thing he asked was,"I didn't realize how wealthy you were. Your so down to earth, I mean no offense, I'm sorry if that came out wrong." You shook your head,"Of course not, but I do have something to tell you." He crinkled his forehead, before he could responded you said quickly,"I'm a princess." He pulled you into a kiss. "Babe that's absolutely incredible."

Lionel Messi: You were forced to go to an Argentinian game with your father to meet a world famous player, Lionel Messi. The game had been over for while and your dad had left you alone in the tunnel to go meet the coach. You had been standing there for quite sometime and you started to get worried. You wandered around bumping into a figure. "Oh I apologize I wasn't paying attention." He shook his head. It was Lionel Messi! "It's a pleasure meeting you, I'm (Y/N)" he shook your hand nervously,"Wait, (Y/N)? As in, princess (Y/N)." You giggled, "Indeed" you kissed your hand,"Not to be rude or disrespectful or anything like that but I hope I'll be seeing you around a lot more."

Sorry I had to split this up into 2 parts. It was a bit difficult to write but I always enjoy a challenge! This idea was given to me by Kara_Lawrence This is also so perfect because her Iker fan fic goes along with the theme! So go check her out and both of her fan fics out... Plus soon she'll have an Antoine fan fic about yours truly ☺️

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