|Antoine Griezmann|

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Antoine tapped his foot rapidly as he looked at (Y/N) sitting across from him, she rambled, taking in deep breaths as she popped her phone case on and off, making a clicking sound as a nervous habit

"Do you get me Antoine? Or am I just being over dramatic?" She asked, staring at Antoine with laser sharp eyes as she awaited his response.

He shook himself out of his daydreams of the two of them together as he quickly prepared his answer. He was too busy looking into her eyes and looking of her hair shaped her face so nicely that he could barely pay attention as to what she was saying.

Not to mention that he was so fed up with her Ex that he couldn't bare her talking about him. They were broken up, he had cheated on her, so why couldn't she see what was right in front of her? And by that he meant he himself had been gushing over her for years. And if it weren't for him, she wouldn't have met her now ex boyfriend anyways. The worse thing he could've done was introduce the two of them after the game that day, and not a day goes by where he doesn't regret it. But she was completely obsessed at the idea of them getting back together,  despite his actions.

"Why would I think you're being over dramatic? You have every right to be angry, he's a dick" Antoine stated, leaning cockily into the crease of the sofa

(Y/N) made a surprised 'tsk' sound as she crossed her arms

"Wow, gee Anto, I didn't think I'd ever hear that come out of your mouth, ever." she said, her eyes still widened from the statement, clearly offended that someone would call her footballer ex boyfriend a dick, even though it was a true phrase.

Antoine got off the couch, ducking his head as he rolled his eyes

"Well, I only speak the truth" he mumbled, grabbing water from the fridge

(Y/N) got up, grabbing her purse from the side of the couch as tears welled up. Antoine and her had known each other for only a few months before they became roommates. Over that period of time they became closer and basically inseparable.

"Uh well I guess I better go and talk to-"

Antoine cut her off almost instantly "Talk to who? Your old slob of a boy toy? Why would you put yourself in this position? (Y/N) you're worth so much more than that" he said, not making eye contact with her as he rummaged through the cabinets.

She didn't know what to say so she stood there, just speechless as she walked away from the situation, slamming the door hardly on purpose to make sure she got her point across.

She got into her car, driving to her ex's house to make amends, and forget about what happened. After all the years of knowing Antoine he was never like that, ever. He had only been the sweetest little cupcake on the earth.
(Y/N) couldn't figure out for the life of her why he had acted this way, she kept driving.

Meanwhile, back at home, Antoine had sat down on the couch, still steaming in his guilt that he had placed upon him and (Y/N). He didn't mean for it to come out so harshly, if anything, he didn't want to do anything to hurt her or harm her in any way.

After a couple hours of the two best friends being separated, Antoine had fallen asleep on the couch, pretzels covering his chest as he fell asleep playing FIFA.

At approximately 9:00 at night, (Y/N) had slipped through the door of their apartment as she tried to be as quiet as possible.

She admired Antoine's sleeping face as she walked towards her room, hesitantly stopping in her tracks as she heard Antoine's phone go off

She stared at him and then the phone, back and forth as she finally picked it up

Paul Pogba: Just do it, tell (Y/N) you love her, it's harmless.

(Y/N) breathed in sharply

Did Anto really love her? After all these years was she really that oblivious? Was it her? I mean, how many other (Y/N)'s did Grizi really know?

(Y/N) put down the phone quietly as she crouched, setting it down on the coffee table. She leaned over to Antoine and placed a small kiss on his forehead.

The entire night (Y/N) couldn't help but think about Antoine and her, she replayed all the moments that he dropped obvious hints that she clearly seemed to miss. She barely got any sleep as she was woken up by a whistle like sound and Antoine in a party hat

"Happy birthday (Y/N)!" He yelled, starting to tickle her belly

She automatically giggled "I can't believe you actually remembered after all these years"

The two of them had acted like yesterday never happened. It was always like that, or seemed to be like that, whenever they fought if had the slightest disagreement, they would just forget about it, things like that weren't worth it. Not to mention, who would want to fight with Antoine?

She glared over at her phone, noticing all the texts from family and friends but nothing from her boyfriend, she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.

"How could I forget?" He said as she sat up, he placed a hat on her head, explaining his entire plan for the day for the two of them. So she quickly got dressed as the two of them headed out the door.

After a long day of traveling all over the place, including every single one of her favorite stores and spots possibly imaginable, they settled on a park bench looking at a lake full of swans

"So did you get everything you wanted?" He asked, Turning his head in her direction

She shrugged, immediately changing the subject "So you got a text from Paul last night"

Oh fuck

Antoine thought as he played it cool "Did I really now? What did he have to say?" Antoine asked innocently as
(Y/N) didn't hesitate in the slightest bit to pull his collar and kiss his so passionately that she needed a breath of air after kissing for a few minutes

"Now I got everything I wanted" she stated, smiling at him as he gleamed

"What about your boyfriend? What about- just- what?" Antoine asked, completely caught off guard about her actions. She had him in the friend zone for as long as he could remember, so it was kind of ironic how one text could change everything between them.

"You're so much better, trust me, I love you Antoine" she simply stated

He smiled, grabbing her hands "I could say that I love you a million times over and over, trust me, I love you too"

Best present ever

Hope you enjoyed my first imagine! Please leave imagine ideas and people you'd like to see down below so hopefully I can complete a few! I love you guys and don't forget to follow Kara_Lawrence and BeyHiveForLife because they're the best and have amazing ass books!

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